59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 129 DO CHRISTIANS SIN ? Absolutely no. There is no Scripture where a Christian sins. He cannot sin. I know theres a resentment to that. Well, well just go to First John 3 and see what the Scripture says. A Christian does not sin. Did you ever see a black white bird or a white black bird? Did you ever see a drunk sober man? No. You never did see a sinner saint either. Theres no such a thing. Now, if this gets just a little touchy, you just put a lot of balm in, you know, and itll--itll cure up just in a little bit now. 59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 132 Now, the Scriptures is our absolutely, infallible proofs of what we are speaking of. First John 3rd chapter and the 9th verse. All right, listen to this. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Listen, are you ready? Got your jackets on, the armor all buckled up? Listen close, cause this is shocking. Whosoever is borned of God does not commit sin;... (Hows that?)... for his seed... (His seed: Gods)... remaineth in him:... (the man)... and he cannot sin, because hes borned of God. In this the children of God are made manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever does not righteousness is not of God, neither... that loveth not his brother. How can you have denominations and draw barriers and things like that, and say youre borned of God? No such a thing. Its a mock of the--Satan. Thats right. But a man thats borned of God cannot sin; its impossible for him to sin. 59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 133 Watch. Just let me take this crucifix just a minute if itll come off of there. Who was the sin offering? Jesus Christ. How do we get in Christ? Who died for us? Christ. What did He die for? Our sins. He took my punishment. Is that right? And then how do I get into Him? By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. And when in this body, were covered by the Blood and free from the judgments. He cannot sin, because theres a Blood sacrifice laying for him day and night. Hallelujah. He cant sin. He has no desire to sin. If he does it--if he does do something wrong, he dont mean to do it. The Bible said in Hebrews the 10th chapter, For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth (and He is the Truth), there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. He that despised Moses law, died under two or three witness, how much more sorer punishment suppose, though worthy, whos trod the Blood of Jesus Christ under his feet and counted the Blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified with an unholy thing, and done despite to the works of grace. 59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 134 For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body and are free from sin, and we cannot sin. There is an Atonement waiting for us. And if theres still desire in your heart to sin, you have never been baptized into that body, because you are dead and your life is hid in Christ through God and sealed by the Holy Ghost. Christians dont sin. They make mistakes, but they dont sin. Amen. Thats the reason they dont, for he cannot sin. How can I have a... If I go down through the city here, and the mayor of the city says, Mr. Branham, I know that you make sick calls. Theres speed limits. The highest speed limit in the city is about thirty miles an hour. But Im giving you permission to run ninety if you want to, cause I have faith in you that you wouldnt do it unless you had emergency call or somebody dying yonder in a wreck. And Ill give you permission, as the mayor of this city, that you can run any red light, do whatever you want to, just go right on. How could a little two-bit officer ever arrest me out here making forty miles an hour in a thirty mile zone? He cant. I cannot break any speed laws in this city, because why? Im above the speed laws. Amen. I hope you see it. 59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 136 And when we are dead, and God has recognized our repentance, Hes recognized our baptism, Hes recognized the Blood of His own Son, which by faith has been applied, He recognizes His fore-ordination, and knowed that Id do it, and has recognized me in Christ, dead... And Christ died in my place when He was slain before the foundation of the world. My name was put on His Book as a Christian. Hallelujah. Christ died my death. Christ is my Sacrifice. God could not impute to me sin any more. Hes give me the Seal of the Holy Ghost as a witness that Ive passed from death unto Life. Whew. That does it. 59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 137 Then they that are borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin. In the Old Testament each year there was a remembered of sin. But Christ, by one sacrifice He has perfected forever the worshipper. The--the worshipper once purged (Hebrews 10)--the worshipper once purged has no more conscience of sin. So you take these people that run in the church and jump up-and-down, and shout, and speak with tongues, and act just exactly like a Christian, and run out, and the next year they got to come back again, next week. Theyve never come anywhere to begin with. Theyre only impersonating, for the Bible said that the Holy Spirit seals us into Christ until the day of our redemption. Hallelujah. Thats what makes me rest assured, cause God promised it. 59-0628E QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD SUNDAY_ 138 No more sin, the sin questions settled. Thats the reason sin looks so dirty to a Christian. Thats why women out here with these shorts on look so dirty to a Christian. Thats why vulgarity; thats a lot of dirty things; thats why smoking, drinking, gambling, all these uncensored programs on television, all that stuff seems filth. Why? Youre of a different Kingdom. Youre borned into the Kingdom of God and sealed by the Holy Ghost until the day of your redemption. He thats borned of God commits no sin, for he cant sin. The seed of God is in him, and he cannot sin. As long as that Holy Ghost is in there, He takes every desire of sin away from you. Amen. You cant sin; theres no more desire.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 04:11:08 +0000

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