6 Paramitas The Sanskrit word paramita means to cross over to - TopicsExpress


6 Paramitas The Sanskrit word paramita means to cross over to the other shore. Paramita may also be translated as perfection, perfect realization, or reaching beyond limitation. Through the practice of these six paramitas, we cross over the sea of suffering (samsara) to the shore of happiness and awakening (Nirvana); we cross over from ignorance and delusion to enlightenment. Each of the six paramitas is an enlightened quality of the heart, a glorious virtue or attribute—the innate seed of perfect realization within us. The paramitas are the very essence of our true nature. However, since these enlightened qualities of the heart have become obscured by delusion, selfishness, and other karmic tendencies, we must develop these potential qualities and bring them into expression. In this way, the six paramitas are an inner cultivation, a daily practice for wise, compassionate, loving, and enlightened living. The paramitas are the six kinds of virtuous practice required for skillfully serving the welfare of others and for the attainment of enlightenment. We must understand that bringing these virtuous qualities of our true nature into expression requires discipline, practice, and sincere cultivation. This is the path of the Bodhisattva—one who is dedicated to serving the highest welfare of all living beings with the awakened heart of unconditional love, skillful wisdom, and all-embracing compassion. 1) The Perfection of Generosity (Dana Paramita) This paramita is the enlightened quality of generosity, charity, giving, and offering. The essence of this paramita is unconditional love, a boundless openness of heart and mind, a selfless generosity and giving which is completely free from attachment and expectation. 六波罗蜜 六度波罗蜜是菩萨的行为。六度波罗蜜是古印度话(parami),意思是度到彼岸;另一个意思是完成了事情。凡夫在生死苦海中浮沉,一旦游到岸边,登上陆地就安全、安稳,绝不会再度的在生死海中浮沉,所以称为度到彼岸。佛陀说众生在生死苦海中飘浮,没法游到安全之陆地上,比喻修行者断除了烦恼,就是已经出离了生死轮回,到达没有生死之彼岸,称为波罗蜜。发菩提心者,必须修种种的六度万行,以完成他成佛之愿。六度就是六波罗蜜,也既是所谓的布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定和智慧。 (一) 布施波罗蜜(梵dana -paramita),又作施波罗蜜、檀那波罗蜜、布施度无极。有财施、法施(教以真理)、无畏施(除去众生恐怖,使其安心)三种,能对治悭贪,消除贫穷。
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 05:58:46 +0000

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