6 Ways to Revolutionize Your Social Media Post - TopicsExpress


6 Ways to Revolutionize Your Social Media Post Engagement ***************************************************************************** Social media is one of the most popular ways to increase your business’ exposure and talk to your customer base. You understand this and have tried to achieve this by investing time into your social media channels, but so far to no avail. Your pages have low followers and your posts sit there, unseen and untouched by customers. Your problem – the audience is not engaging with your brand. Try these six ways to revolutionize your social media post engagement. 1. Start a conversation The basis of social media is to make everyone more connected and to start conversations between people, organisations and companies. Just like in real life, social interactions are most engaging and valuable when they are two way – just like a really interesting or funny conversation. Start talking to other industry professionals, cooperative businesses, and your customer base. When you start these one-on-one conversations on social channels, you will get more interaction and engagement with your own posts, and you’ll also have a better idea of what content will be the most interesting for your audiences. 2. Cross-promote Start following influencers and share their articles and content with your commentary. Not only are you starting a conversation with these professionals, you are also giving them free promotion. Most will return the favor, giving you a larger platform for your brand to be seen. Cross promotion also encourages the spirit of sharing knowledge, so be sure to focus on sharing content that your customers will find genuinely valuable. 3. Follow the 80-20 rule Let’s say you went to a party and started talking to someone, but they spent the entire time talking and didn’t give you a chance to interact within the conversation. You’d get bored very quickly and likely leave the conversation entirely, perhaps even with a negative view of the person That is the conclusion your audience are coming to when you only talk about your business on social media. Instead, follow the 80-20 rule. 80% of your posts should be social or not self-promoting, which are posts that: Talk about industry news Share articles Join in chats Discuss your community, particularly if you are a local business Showcase events you’re attending Cross-promote others from your industry Share past and present posts from your blog or blogs you like In addition to these, 20% of your posts should be strictly promotional, talking about your products and services. 4. Add a visual to as many posts as you can Photos and other visuals are the most engaging type of content on social media. As of April 8, 2014, 87% of the most shared Facebook posts worldwide contained a photo. To increase the engagement of your posts, make sure there is some type of image or video with the post. This can be a related photo you upload or a YouTube video you’ve shared. 5. Always include a call-to-action You need to tell your audience what you want them to do at the end of every post. Ask them a question and tell them that they can answer in the comments. Encourage them to visit the link in your post. Offer a poll or quiz for them to take. When you tell your audience what you want from them, they will often be curious enough to follow your instructions and increase their engagement. 6. Review your posts repeatedly before sending When you are done crafting your perfect post, review it over and over again. Check for grammatical and spelling errors. Click the link to check if it works as expected. Ensure you’ve attached any necessary analytics tracking. Make sure the photo is high-quality and not stretched or pixilated strangely. Analyze the tone and copywriting to ensure it is in line with your branding and positioning. Finally carefully consider if it will come off as negative or cause offence to anyone. Once you’ve successfully followed these 6 steps and reviewed your post and it’s ready to send. Now that you are able to send informative and well-crafted social media posts, you’ll no doubt expect to see an increase in engagement with your social media posts.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:19:01 +0000

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