615am prayer.....Gracious and Eternal God our Father, we thank You - TopicsExpress


615am prayer.....Gracious and Eternal God our Father, we thank You for this day. Thank You for life, health, and strength and the activities of our limbs. Thank You for waking us up this morning and starting us on our way. Father, thank You for the desire to be in prayer this morning. Thank You for the desire to be in Your presence early, even on a day when most are off work. Lord, You are my desire. You are my delight. I bless You today. I honor You today. I magnify You today. There is none like You. You are my everything. Its in You that I live, move, and have my being. Lord, Im nothing without You. Father, today we pray for rest. We pray for rest for every weary soul. Rest for the tired body. Rest for the troubled mind. Rest for those who are overwhelmed. Rest for that single parent, working and caring for their family. Rest for that spouse, working, going to school, and raising a family. We pray for rest today. Your promised in Your Word: I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint (Jer 31:25). Refresh Your people today. Satisfy the faint today. We pray for those who are always on the go. Lord, give them to rest today. Give them to rest in You today. We pray for those who feel burdened down by all of their daily responsibilities. Your Word reminds us: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Mt 11:28). Father, here we are today. We are bringing our burdens to You. We bring You our tired bodies. We bring You our tired minds. We bring You our weary emotions. Lord, You are our resting place. You are my resting place. We find rest in You. You are my place of refreshing. When I feel overwhelmed, You are my place of peace. I can find rest for my weary soul in You. I pray for every person that has been taking a sleep aid nightly to help them sleep. There are so many who cannot fall asleep at night due to being overly tired, mentally drained, and emotional bankrupt. You never designed for us to be dependent on a sleep aid to rest. Father, I pray today that they will rest in You. I pray that You will give rest for the weary and satisfy the faith. Give rest today. Breathe on them today. Breathe on us today. Breathe on me today. The breath of God breathe on us today. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me today. Give us to know we find rest in You. Give us to know we are refreshed in You. Give us to know we are replenished in You. You are our resting place. Lord, thank You for rest today. Thank You for taking our burdens we have brought to You today. Thank You for giving rest for our souls today!!!!...........In Jesus Name..............Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:47:12 +0000

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