67 questions! Ill answer all if I get 5 likes... 1. Full Name - - TopicsExpress


67 questions! Ill answer all if I get 5 likes... 1. Full Name - Alex Conway Maines 2. Nicknames - Maines 3. School - Sanford High School 4. Tall or short - tall 5. Sweats or jeans - jeans. 6. Oranges or apples - uh, apple 7. Do you have a crush on someone - yeah. 8. Eat or drink - eat 9. Piercings - no. tatoos are better. 10. Pepsi or Coke - coke Have you ever... 11. Been in an airplane ? heights are scary 12. Been in a relationship ? mhm 13. Been in a car accident ? nope 14. Been in a fist fight ? well call it that. 15. First piercing - no 16. First best friend - no 17. First award - Runner up in a bowl-a-roma leauge. 18. First crush - dont remember 19. First word - dad 20. Last person you talked to in person - my dad 21. Last person you texted - my dad 22. Last friend you watched a movie with - movies are boring 23. Last food you ate - chicken. of course 24. Last movie you watched in theaters - Monster Inc. University 25. Last song you listened to - bouncing on my d--- by tyga 26. Last thing you bought - a monster for Bennett 27. Last person you hugged - holly Favorite... 28. Food ? chicken 29. Drink ? kool-aid 30. Flower ? rose 31. Animal ? pandas 32. Color ? black 33. Place ? my room 34. Movie ? Holes 35. Subject? Math Have you ever ... 37. Fallen in love with someone? ehh 37. Celebrated Halloween? obviously 38. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? iphone, unlimited. 39. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? more like shoot them in between the eyes 40. Eaten a whole pizza? too skinny for that 41. Did something you regret? plenty of things. 42. Broke a promise? mhm 43. Hid a secret? yep 44. Pretend to be happy? yeah Your future... 45. Want kids? maybe 1. 46. Want to get married? yeah 47. Career? EMT Which is better in the opposite gender? 48. Lips or eyes - lips 49. Shorter or taller - shorter 50. Romantic or spontaneous- spontaneous 51. Hook up or relationship- relationship 52. Looks or personality- looks. Have you ever... 53. Lost glasses/contacts? no 54. Snuck out? no 55. Held a gun/knife for self defense? pfft. only babies do that 56. Broke someones heart? i dont know 57. Been in love? too early 58. Been arrested? not dropping the soap. Do you believe in; 59. Yourself; uhm yeah 60. Miracles; yee 61. Love at first sight; yeah 62. Santa; yeah, i see him on movies he must be real TRUTHFULLY 64. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yeah 65. Your real friends are : Bennett Francis Migneault brandon nate 66. The last person you text : didnt i already answer this. 67. Your best friends are : bennett nate brandon holly cody nicole benvie
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:07:17 +0000

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