7 DEGREES OF NETWORK MARKETING I. SEEING YOURE GOAL. You know EXACTLY what you want. You have to FEEL it. You have to KNOW what it looks like, taste like and feel like. Make a decision. Before you can even get started you need to see your goal. Have a whatever it takes attitude. II. WHY... WHY.. WHY... WHY are you doing network marketing? Are you in pain? Do you need help because you HATE struggling? Do you need to extra money? Do you want freedom? Do you see your dreams happening? Is network marketing the vehicle to take you to the next level? III. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION You have to take MASSIVE action like Rambo!! Climb up building like King Kong and fight off the naysayers like Terminator. You have to explore the world, get up, get out and get something. Do what youre supposed to do. If it was easy, everybody would do it. Dont expect handouts. NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING. IV. QUITTERS NEVER WIN! Do you remember the person who quit? Neither do we. Do you remember the guy in last place? Nope... neither do we. Do you remember the person who failed and never gave up and now has a championship ring? YES? QUITTERS NEVER WIN! GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT! V. EXCUSES ARE FOR BABIES! I cant find 3 people.. I dont know where to market my business? I dont know how to work it. I cant! EXCUSE! EXCUSE! EXCUSE! Stop lying to others and yourselves.. People fail because they are LAZY. Because they DONT want to put in the work. Nobody is going to just hand you your dream. VI. GO BIG OR GO HOME You have to go big in the industry. Thats the only way you will make it or your fire will die. Its like adding wood to a fire, if you stop adding wood, your fire will DIE. Have you ever seen a business grow really really fast? But then CRASH. The only reason it crashed is because they rested on their laurels.. You cant even sleep in this business.. You might blink and boom! Everything falls. VII. BE A CHAMPION PERFORMER I dont want you on my team and youre not giving 100%! If you work or worked at a job and you gave your boss less than 100% then they probably thought about firing you. You have to give your ALL and nothing less.. Get mad! Get pissed off!! You cant tell me youre living your life and theres NOTHING else you can do or go do to push yourself to the next level? You want to stay at level one or do you want to get to the highest level possible? I need you from this day forward to make a decision and CHANGE THE WORLD!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:40:39 +0000

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