7 Empowering Principles At TrévoTM, we are on a quest to - TopicsExpress


7 Empowering Principles At TrévoTM, we are on a quest to become the greatest health, wellness and lifestyle company in history. To accomplish this, we have tapped into the key that all companies which have attained greatness and, ultimately, legendary status have had in common. What might that be, you may ask. We believe that each of these companies have identified and embraced specific characteristics that created and defined their own culture of success. There are seven identifiable characteristics – principles, if you will – that we believe will propel the TrévoTM team toward a destiny of greatness. As we shape our lives and attitudes through these principles, our lives actually become the catalyst that attracts others to the TrévoTM culture and lifestyle of prosperity. The word prosperity seems to evoke a wide variety of interpretations, but at TrévoTM we believe that prosperity is a wholeness word. Prosperity is about being balanced and complete in all areas of life, including spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical health. Prosperity gives you the gift of freedom – time freedom, financial freedom, and the freedom to create a positive impact upon our global community. Mark Stevens, CEO and founder of TrévoTM, defines true freedom as the ability to do what you want to do when you want to do it, and have what you want to have when you want to have it. The principles embraced and nurtured here at TrévoTM equip you to create that kind of life-changing, dream-empowering freedom. Creation Story - Discover the compelling story behind the creation of Trévo. Creed - This is a clear statement of our beliefs, mission, and core values. Icons - Powerful icons are recognizable symbols that immediately bring an organization, mission, or even nation to mind. The Trévo icons include our logo of three interlocked leaves. Believers and Unbelievers - Specific characteristics identify those who are part of the Trévo culture of success and those who are not. Rituals - These are daily activities unique to Trévo that lead to successful lives. Leaders – Core attributes that define true Trévo leadership. Sacred Words and Phrases - These comprise the unique language of the Trévo culture, opportunity and business terms. 1. The TrévoTM Creation Story The journey toward the creation of TrévoTM actually began years ago when Mark A. Stevens, CEO and founder of TrévoTM, was a young man of just 16. While still in high school, Mark discovered his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for excellence as he became the owner of a soon-to-be nationally recognized music company. From the very beginning of his journey toward legendary business success, Mark challenged the “status quo” of corporate leadership as he divided his time between studies and running a successful business. As his business insight grew, Mark discovered that the principles of the network marketing industry actually underscored and intertwined with his belief that an unlimited opportunity exists for everyone, not just a select few, willing to work hard and help other people along the way. Thus began the journey that lead to the creation of Trévo. Perhaps the most defining difference that sets Trévo apart from other companies is Mark’s love for people. He is passionate in his belief that everyone has the right to live their dreams. Trévo was created to make a positive difference in people’s lives; to help people become aware of what is available to them in life. In other words, to empower the dreams that can fuel their success. But being successful is much more than just making money. It is actually about what you do with that success. It is about making the world a better place in which to live. It is about imparting a sense of possibility. At Trévo LLCTM, we are dedicated to helping you to realize that there is a great life out there just waiting for you to come and get it. We want you to live the very best life you possibly can by embracing the knowledge that you were created for greatness. You are created to be empowered to change your life and the lives of those around you. That is the mission of TrévoTM – to create a culture of passion, excitement, prosperity, good health, generosity, and love. In other words, to embrace living life to the fullest. To our way of thinking, there is no better legacy than this for our families and our global community. 2. The TrévoTM Creed At TrévoTM, our creed is a statement of our beliefs that explains who we are and what we are all about. It clearly says why we belong in people’s lives. It is comprised of Trévo’sTM Pillars, Mission, and Core Values. Together, these components of our Creed create an identity that attracts people to the exciting and rewarding TrévoTM culture. The TrévoTM Pillars The four TrévoTM Pillars define a lifestyle of freedom, passion and prosperity. They are the bedrock of the TrévoTM culture of success. Vibrant Physical Health – TrévoTM helps people take responsibility for their health through the inclusion of a high-quality nutritional supplement into their daily routine. Of course, healthy eating habits and exercise go hand-in-hand with supplementation. Achieving vibrant physical health can help you to excel in every area of life, including emotionally, spiritually and financially. Enthusiastic Emotional Health – We believe that, at the core of vibrant emotional health, you will find personal growth. A commitment to personal growth equips us to identify our gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Personal growth involves practicing healthy thinking and character development. This is a journey that creates emotional well-being and victory throughout the circumstances of life. Thriving Spiritual Health – As human beings, our goal should be to affect a positive impact in the lives of others. Our ability to love others is the underpinning of a deep, thriving spiritual health. Matthew 22:36-39 reinforces this by instructing us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. “‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?’ Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” This commandment does not say to only love those who agree with us or who look like us. It simply says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Indeed, life is a journey that cannot be navigated apart from love, faith, hope, freedom, growth, and the discovery of God’s great plan for each of our lives. Abundant Financial Health – Financial abundance helps enable us to make our dreams and the dreams of others become reality, to create lifestyles that we desire. Financial abundance defines the manner in which we would live our lives if money were no object. A life of financial prosperity removes the burden of debt and gives us the freedom to dream huge dreams. It also equips us to help meet the needs of others while also empowering their dreams, both on a local and global level. We consider these four pillars to be the embodiment of true prosperity. They are deeply inter-connected and each one should be embraced, treasured, and nurtured on a daily basis in order to achieve a life of unlimited possibility. The TrévoTM Mission The TrévoTM mission is to create a culture of passion, excitement, faith, prosperity, good health, generosity, and love. The heart of this mission begins with our corporate team and ripples out to those that embrace our culture. Through example, tools and training, TrévoTM helps our members become more than they ever thought possible. Our state-of-the-art technology, proven successful business systems, and world class training have been carefully developed for one compelling reason – to help you achieve the success that you dream of. The unlimited opportunity offered through TrévoTM embodies and fulfills our mission to help people around the globe enjoy not just abundant financial health, but also vibrant physical health, enthusiastic emotional health, and thriving spiritual health. Another vital component of the TrévoTM mission is our dedication to purposeful giving. Mark and Holli Stevens, founders of TrévoTM, actively encourage the members of the TrévoTM family to join them in participating in this joyful and rewarding legacy by embracing a lifestyle of giving back to their local communities as well as the worldwide community. Trévo’sTM Core Values Following are nine of the Core Values that are embraced by our TrévoTM Life and Health Coaches. The complete list is available to all Life and Health Coaches online. Persistence represents an attitude that says, “I will keep trying and never quit, in spite of circumstances and feelings that are trying to stop me.” Persistence is necessary to achieve success in every area of your life. Consistence represents the willingness and discipline to constantly perform the activities necessary for success, day in and day out. It does not mean perfection. It does mean, “I will continually try even if I fail at times.” Persistence and consistence are like power twins that complement one another. Giving is an integral part of our mission to help others embrace the gift of health and the opportunity for true prosperity offered through TrévoTM. We believe that as prosperity comes to us, we have the responsibility and privilege to give back from the resources with which we have been blessed. Fun is important in everything we do at TrévoTM. We genuinely believe there is a way to find fun in everything we do. It is an attitude that wins the day during the tough times and allows you to enjoy life. TrévoTM is definitely not “just another job,” and fun is a vital component of our culture. Embrace is a powerful word and is at the very heart of every TrévoTM Core Value. For if we do not embrace these values, our mission simply becomes empty words. TrévoTM invites people of all ages, races, creeds, and spiritual backgrounds to embrace our mission by becoming a part of the TrévoTM culture. Passion is a strong, extravagant enthusiasm for something. Passion is contagious, and passionate people make things happen. Our mission and our exciting training system are catalysts for igniting the passion within your heart to see your dreams of prosperity become reality. Together represents an immense power that we possess when we unite in purpose and thought. At TrévoTM, it is a powerful reciprocal relationship between our Life and Health Coaches and our team at corporate headquarters. We encourage one another toward greatness, and intentionally avoid having a critical spirit. At the very heart of winning stands unity and a spirit of working together. After all, we are on the same team. Integrity can be represented in one word … honesty. It is a strict adherence to honoring our word and treating others as we would desire to be treated. Innovation represents Trévo’sTM attitude of being willing to think outside the box, constantly improve products and systems, explore new ways of doing things, and implement new technologies. It means that we will never just accept status quo in any area of our business or personal lives. 3. The TrévoTM Icons Icons are typically visual representations, but can also be recognizable sounds or smells of something with which we can instantly identify. An icon can evoke a feeling of pleasure or expectation, even creating a sense of pride and community. Think of how the image of the American flag, coupled with the playing of the national anthem, can stir emotions and a deep sense of respect, hope, thankfulness, courage, pride and unity. Since the name TrévoTM is a derivative of the Latin phrase “power of three,” our logo depicts three interlocked leaves. This name and its associated icon encompass our commitment to restore, renew, and revive your physical, financial, spiritual, and emotional prosperity. This logo also speaks of our dedication to search out and utilize the very best natural nutrients from around the globe for our products as well as our dedication to being a “green” company. The color green is also associated with prosperity, completeness, and strength. 4. TrévoTM Believers And Unbelievers TrévoTM believers have an entrepreneurial spirit. They are energetic movers and shakers who get things done. TrévoTM believers embrace personal growth and want to make a difference in the world. They see the unlimited possibilities available through the TrévoTM opportunity. TrévoTM believers consistently embrace the development of their character and talents. It starts on the inside and manifests on the outside with positive action. These unstoppable entrepreneurs understand that as they fill their minds with the proper thoughts and truths for attaining their goals, they become equipped to empower their dreams and beliefs. Indeed, by applying truths and principles in difficult situations, we can prove our beliefs and reinforce a new attitude of viewing difficulties as stepping stones to the fulfillment of our dreams. This attitude of being open to new things and new experiences helps us to become more – more than we currently believe possible and more than others believe possible. Through teamwork, believers create a sense of belonging; a sense of being a part of something bigger than themselves. Unbelievers are satisfied with settling for the status quo. Oftentimes, their dreams were set aside long ago and they just cannot wrap their minds around the possibility of having a more abundant life. Unbelievers cannot see the big picture, and quite possibly never will. Or perhaps because the timing is just not right for them, they are not open to the message you have to share. We encourage our Life and Health Coaches to treat these people with respect and love. You will find that they can be a valuable resource in identifying and connecting with those who are open and receptive to what you have to say, so always ask them for referrals. And because of your passion and compassion, those who were previously unbelievers will often reach out to you when their circumstances change. 5. TrévoTM Rituals If you think about it, rituals are very easy to define. For example, they can be disciplines that bring us some form of a reward, such as exercising our body or getting up for work every day. In these two examples of rituals, your rewards would be, respectively, a toned, healthy body and compensation. Rituals are actions that you consciously decide to perform in order to receive something in return. At TrévoTM, we encourage rituals that will position you for great prosperity and success. Such rituals are activities that you engage in on a daily basis to help fulfill the TrévoTM mission. For example, being persistent and consistent in your daily business-building activities are two key rituals in becoming a successful, productive entrepreneur. Other TrévoTM rituals for success include: • Talking to people every day about the product and/or the opportunity • Being on all of Trévo’sTM training calls • Learning new things through our systems and training • Making all of these actions a part of your daily life Life and Health Coaches can learn more about Trévo’sTM rituals for success in our booklet entitled “Seven TrévoTM Principles To Empower Your Dreams.” 6. Trévo™ Leaders Throughout history, people have become leaders by standing up for their beliefs, dreams and missions in life. These leaders have come from all walks of life and represent every race, every creed, and every personality type. There is a common thread that is found among leaders. Invariably, they each possess the conviction, passion and determination that their cause is worth fighting for, no matter what it may cost them personally. History proves that just one person who embraces and maintains these leadership attributes can change the course of a nation, and even the entire world. Trévo™ founders Mark and Holli Stevens are examples of visionary leadership. They firmly believe that life is a journey which cannot be navigated without faith, hope, love, freedom, action and a passion that continually evolves to a higher level. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never-ending process of growth that includes training, personal growth, and experience. Some characteristics are universal in practically every successful leader. For example: Being unafraid to go against the flow Never settling for less than the best Understanding that nothing is impossible Having steadfast integrity Loving a challenge Being persistent and consistent in pursuing a dream or goal Looking “outside the box” for solutions Being compassionate and giving As founders of Trévo™, these attitudes and attributes are things that Mark and Holli value and nurture. They understand that embracing and developing such traits will result in maximum impact. It is their goal, our desire, that each person who makes the decision to become a member of the Trévo™ family will adopt and express these characteristics in their lives. 7. Trévo’s™ Sacred Words and Phrases The Sacred Words and Phrases of Trévo™ are a list of words and phrases, together with their accompanying definitions. They are the language of our lifestyle culture that has evolved through the lives of founders Mark and Holli Stevens, our Life and Health Coaches, and their interaction with our products, business opportunity, systems, and technology tools. Following is an abbreviated list of our Sacred Words and Phrases. The full list is available to our Life and Health Coaches in our booklet entitled “Seven Trévo™ Principles To Empower Your Dreams.” People, Products, Prosperity is first about you becoming connected to the Trévo™ lifestyle culture and product, and then connecting other people to the same. This act of “plugging in” provides both you and others with whom you connect the opportunity for unlimited prosperity in every area of life … physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial. The Power of Wellness speaks of the astounding health benefits of the 174 nutraceutical ingredients from around the world that comprise the Trévo™ 100% vegetarian, nutrient-dense formulation. Restore, Renew, Revive refers to the beneficial effects of Trévo’s™ unique liquid nutraceutical product. As each delicious ounce is absorbed into the body’s cells, thousands upon thousands of phytonutrients go to work to restore vital energy and enhance your mental focus; renew the body and mind; and revive the body’s natural anti-aging and immune system support. “True freedom means having the things you want to have when you want to have them, and doing the things you want to do when you want to do them” is a quote from Trévo’s™ founder and CEO, Mark Stevens. This statement is the embodiment of the personal empowerment that comes from the Trévo™ opportunity and lifestyle. “Trevo™ represents a whole new category of super-nutrition” refers to Trévo’s™ unique 3-phase formula (Restore, Renew, Revive) that covers a broad spectrum of nutrition. This formula is so revolutionary and completely unprecedented that we are seeking patent protection.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:49:12 +0000

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