7 Random Guth Factoids Okay I’ll join in on the fun. . - TopicsExpress


7 Random Guth Factoids Okay I’ll join in on the fun. . . 1) I once rode 100 miles horseback over the Gravely mountain range while reading the Lord of the Rings Saga. (not at the same time though haha) 2) I’m a huge trekkie. Not only have I seen all the films multiple times, I’ve watched every episode of The Original Series and ‘The Next Generation’ and I’m currently plowing through ‘Enterprise’ featuring the dude from ‘Quantum Leap’ and a hot Vulcan babe. Beam me up! 3) I had 2 near death experiences as a five year old, nearly drowning at Chico Hot Springs and almost getting run over by a Corvette. 4) I’m clausterphobic (or “clostro” as fellow sufferer Jeff Bridges calls it). 5) I very nearly scored a football scholarship to the University of Montana but a week before signing day the coaching staff was hired away to Utah St. and incoming coach Joe Glenn came to my school and informed me that although he was a big Mission Mountain Wood Band fan, unfortunately they’d decided to give my scholarship to a black dude from Detroit. Consequently I have a love/hate relationship with Grizzly football since I was basically jilted at the alter. 6) I’m violently allergic to mold to the point where I’d likely asphyxiate within an hour of prolonged exposure. 7) I’m currently holed up at Connie’s house in a remote location revising my book while she’s on vacation in Chicago and I haven’t seen an actual human being in three whole days (or is it four?)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:14:16 +0000

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