7 SECRETS EVERY YOUNG MINISTER SHOULD KNOW 1. STICK TO YOUR CALLING: A calling into the ministry is a function of grace and it is a great privilege to be called into the ministry.You must develop a deeper relationship with God as he reveals the different phases of your calling.Do not get trapped in the flight of comparing yourself with others.Set yourself to fulfill your calling and make full proof of your calling. Young ministers make the mistake of not developing a strong relationship with God and neglecting their call to fulfill others calling. All callings are equally high and you determine the height you attain. Abide in your calling and do not despise it. Your calling gives you vision with precision therefore be consistent in your calling. 2. WORK ON YOUR PERSONALITY: There are young ministers who are caught in the folly of gossip, bitterness, backbiting, pride, and always seeing the worse in the people they work with or other ministers. The life of the young minister makes up his ministry and is the backbone of his calling. You can be gifted, anointed, and talented but if the personality is wrong, it will affect your ministry. The success of your ministry is determined by your person. When you work on your personality, it eventually affects your ministry. Anyone can do the work of the ministry but it will take your personality to sustain what God has put into your hand. When i started off in ministry, one of my major problems was uncontrollable anger. I started working on that aspect of my personality and God has been faithful in helping me in that area. Work on your personality young minister. 3. LEADERSHIP SKILLS: Everything rises and falls on leadership. The higher your leadership skills, the easier it is to attain successful results. Every young minister must strive to develop leadership capacity. Leadership skills will help you in the administration and management of your gift and the ministry God has committed into your life. 4. FAMILY IS A PRIORITY: The young ministers first ministry is his family. From the day you get married to the time you start having children, you must put your family at the head of your schedule. You must discern, admire, respect and appreciate the uniqueness of your mate and help her grow in her particular calling. You must not neglect your home and your family must be the most important members of your church family. Your wifes gifts and talents can be used in an area where she is needed. Help her grow and your ministry will grow. 5. OBSESSION WITH YOUR CALLING: When the fulfilment of your calling becomes an obsession, manifestation becomes obvious. Invest your time, energy, talents into your calling. Make the pursuit of your calling an obsession. Use your time productively. Diligently pursue your calling. 6. THE PLACE OF THE ANOINTING: You cannot fulfill a divine assignment in the energy of the flesh. The anointing is the main thing you need for a successful ministry. Do everything in your power to get the anointing. Jesus Christ went about doing good because He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. 7. FATHERS, COLLEAGUES AND DISCIPLES: To have a successful ministry, the people factor plays a great role. There are three basic relationships you must have to have a successful ministry. You relate with those ahead of you for inspiration, correction, rebukes, training, mentorship and counselling. You relate with colleagues for sharing. This relationship challenges one another to progress. You relate with a younger person for sowing. Your secrets, mistakes and success stories now become learning experiences for those in this relationship. Be blessed and lifted. Prophet Bernard Elbernard Nelson-Eshun.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 11:43:24 +0000

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