7 Small Things Happy Couples Remember to Do Every Day Winifred M. - TopicsExpress


7 Small Things Happy Couples Remember to Do Every Day Winifred M. Reilly06/05/14 12:54 PM ET So much in life is about the little things, isnt it? The smell of fresh coffee. A cardinal on the bird feeder. The first crocus in spring. Most of us assume that our greatest happiness comes from lifes big events, like landing our dream job, getting married, or giving birth to a child. While these extraordinary moments create a brief spike in happiness, current research confirms that sustained happiness is derived from lifes ordinary, everyday stuff. You know, the little things that we do for each other that make life feel good. A soft squeeze on the arm when were worried. A trip out in the rain to pick us up at the bus. A gracious offer to go right ahead and eat that last bite of cake. As couples, we can easily get caught up in lifes endless demands and forget that we arent running a business together, that life isnt all about tasks and results and whos doing what, when. Given all our distractions and pressures, its no wonder we lose sight of the need for small, loving gestures that, in fact, carry great meaning. Its been said that, in the end, the little things are actually the big things, though we dont realize it at the time. I say dont wait to discover whats truly important. Even if youre facing big difficulties in your marriage, these small caring gestures may give your relationship a surprising boost. 1. Be here now. Quality attention. For me its better than flowers or a candlelight dinner and I bet Im not alone. Couples often complain that their days are so over-scheduled that their attention gets pulled from one thing to the next. The last thing they want is to talk to a partner whose nose is in his cell phone. Think you can multi-task? Think again. Why not shut down your phone, turn off your TV and walk away from the computer. Tell the kids that, for a least a few minutes, the two of you are off duty. Face each other. Make eye contact. Be fully there. If you spend more than fifteen minutes a day giving each other your undivided attention, talking about something other than kids or logistics, youre a rare exception. 2. Drop everything. No matter how busy, frazzled, or tired we are, we all have thirty seconds to connect with each other when we walk through the door at the end of the day. A simple Honey, Im home, followed by a smile or a hug proves that there really is no place like home. 3. Go the extra mile. Most of the time, going the extra mile requires little more than going a few steps out of your way. Whether you fold that one last basket of wash, make your spouse a cup of tea, place a gentle hand on her shoulder, or make a late night run to the grocery store to get milk, these small (and even medium-sized) favors we do communicate love and affection and say, Im happy to help. 4. Express appreciation. No gesture is too small or mundane to warrant a sincere word of thanks. You dont have to hire a brass band or put up a billboard. A simple thank you is enough to brighten anyones day. Feeling creative? Leave a love note on her windshield. Say nice things about him to others -- and make sure he overhears it. Beyond saying thanks, acknowledge each others patience or kindness or willingness to take risks. Sometimes its extra sweet to be complimented for who we are, not just what we do. 5. Say yes. Too often (and too quickly) many of us tend to say No. Whether its a request to clean out the garage, take a hike, or make love, why not pause and ask yourself, Why not say, yes? Not perfect timing? Not your first choice? Unless the answer really has to be no, watch good things happen when you surprise your spouse with a yes. 6. Check in. At my daughter-in-laws wedding shower, she asked each of her newly married friends to give her one piece of advice. More than one of them said take a moment to call. Not just when youre running late, though especially then! And definitely more often than you would normally do. Whether its a brief phone call or a text message or two minutes of IM, it always feels good to touch base and say, hi. 7. Pucker up. When was the last time you gave your spouse more than a drive-by kiss as you were dashing out the door? Are we really too busy to stop and do it once more with feeling? Try a full six-second kiss. Yes, count it out on your fingers. The difference is... well, youll see. While youre at it, a goodnight kiss with the same enthusiasm is a sweet addition. What better way to begin and end every day?
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 15:50:16 +0000

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