7 things you need to Do in A new RELATIONSHIP 1. Have a - TopicsExpress


7 things you need to Do in A new RELATIONSHIP 1. Have a life Don’t spend your days solely thinking about your partner. Having your own individual life is what makes you interesting. Don’t always cancel your plans in order to spend time with your partner whenever he/she calls you. Show your partner you have a vital social life and that she/he has to respect that. 2.Always be yourself You have to give your partner a good idea of who you actually are, especially in the early stages of your relationship. Your partner will catch up on you eventually if you decide to lie about yourself. Don’t give her/him a reason for a breakup just when you’ve started to like her/him 3.Postpone your introduction It’s not a good idea to introduce your new girlfriend/boyfriend to friends and family while you are still in the early stages of your relationship. You might not even get a chance to introduce your partner properly, as you still might not know a lot of things about her/him. Also, it might freak your partner out when you say that you already want for her/ him to meet your family. 4.Open to conversation Remember that you still need to get to know your partner, which is quite a long process. With that said, you should always be open to conversation about a diversity of topics, because that is the only get to figure out how your new partner thinks and who she/he really is. 5. Confidence Confidence is one of the most important factors that make up an individual. It is also one thing that all people are searching for in their partners. She/he needs to know you are a confident person, as it will show your partner that you will be able to make the right decisions in the future stages of your relationship. 6.Avoid heavy topics Don’t focus on the negatives while you are in the early stages of your relationship. Note that your partner still can’t rely on you; and it is quite normal that she/he can’t fully trust you yet. Instead talk about each other’s goals, ambitions, and hobbies....
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 09:14:06 +0000

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