70% of Indian Economy is Agri based. Means Food Production of all - TopicsExpress


70% of Indian Economy is Agri based. Means Food Production of all of us. When 67% population is targeted to cover with Food Security Bill, this may mean the Food Producers of the nation is covered under this. Economy means Transaction. Poverty Means Transaction with out Sufficient Profit. This is not a Financial matter alone. Poverty means lack of opportunity of Transaction with Sufficient Profit. When Farmer is incurring Rs 20 per KG of Paddy for as Production cost when his Produce is Sold at market Rs 2 per KG then is this Food Security Bill or Food Production Destruction Bill? The opportunity of Transaction will be Murdered by Food Security Bill. The opportunity of Employment is being murdered. The opportunity of Sufficient Profit is Killed by Food Security Bill. This is not limited to Opportunity of Transaction or employment. When I am analyzing many different details together then I am finding it more and more dangerous. The fundamental fact is that the incumbents in the Govt. of India as Economists are not Economists at all. They are not at all Qualified fellows. They are not even good for picking worthful rag from garbage. The western bastards has created a very systematic system of Economy based on Currency and provided some Doctorates to those jokers who are best of the class and those crooks useful for nothing are in the top chairs of Govt. of India as economists. Bloody Nonsense. None in Media is discussing the treachery activities and the threats due to Food Security Bill.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 02:32:27 +0000

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