70 percent into reading yet another Epic Fantasy selection and I - TopicsExpress


70 percent into reading yet another Epic Fantasy selection and I have to say I need to take a break from the genre. I have read primarily fantasy, swords abd sorcery and sci-fi since I was 14, so Im well versed in many styles, but the Epic Fantasy style has just gotten too overblown and grandiose for its own good. Far too many forgettable and unlikable characters, FAR too many pages of dialogue than means nothing in the grand scheme of the tale. Entire books where nothing happens at all. I began with the pulps - Conan, Tarzan, Solomon Kane, John Carter of Mars - sweeping tales of adventure and flashing swords, swinging through jungles and battling against overwhelming odds. Lord of the Rings was epic, but the language was beautiful and magic emanated from every page. But the Epic tales of the past 10 years are just book after book of thousand-character tales with snail pacing and hopes of something FINALLY happening in book 14 of 20. Its time to kick this tale to the curb and find something with a heavy dose of magic...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:20:08 +0000

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