70km at my first ultra-marathon Narrabeen All Nighter today! - TopicsExpress


70km at my first ultra-marathon Narrabeen All Nighter today! Plenty of time to ponder things and a tough run for me personally. However, you all know I love a challenge, learning, and an adventure so the run was very rewarding! Here are a few things I considered as part of my learning experience! 1. The run STARTED at my bed time, at times all I wanted to do was have a snooze! I certainly run better in the morning! 2. The heat and humidity made running conditions quite extreme. Certainly not as easy to run as in the cooler, drier climates. The flat terrain was also a challenge for me, thank goodness it was trail! 3. No matter how well you practice with gear (which I did!), malfunctions happen! Torches, hair bands, etc only fall apart just AFTER youve left the base camp, have three of everything you think youll need (and I did!). 4. I have a touchy tummy anyway, but running and heat stress dont help that,... 5. I realised its less than 3 months since my first marathon and only about 12 months since I started to jog regularly, an ultra was a big ask at this stage of my running development, but I did it, and I did more than I thought I would, so Im very happy with my achievement! Huge thanks to Thuy Tran who stayed up until all hours watching the website and receiving texts from me, then turned up to surprise me at the finish line! So lucky to have you as a friend and mentor. Thanks to Martin Dugdale for a cheery smile and advice at the 2.5km turn around. Also thanks to the other marshal who correctly diagnosed my heat stress in time for me to prevent it becoming something serious. Thanks to the organisers and to all who contribute to providing events for us crazy people to enter! For those who want to enter a quality trail event,... this one has a 3hr and 6hr option! runningwildnsw/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:12:19 +0000

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