#710713 Clan Wars XXI Day One Dragoons (Highland Regiments) vs. - TopicsExpress


#710713 Clan Wars XXI Day One Dragoons (Highland Regiments) vs. Heroes II Mycroft looked down at the combat data analysis as the reports scrolled down the screen. The Dragoons had been fighting across the Gathis plains on Breenah, their assigned sector for the invasion. It was a bold plan with every Clan in the Regiment assaulting simultaneously the goal was to have the entire planet cleared of hostile forces within a week. There were rumors of Fore-runner incursions all across the world, the tell tale scorch marks of their temporary gates that always appeared just before a major strike from them. No one seemed to know what they were. Scouting missions or maybe just calibrating the gate to prepare for the inevitable strike. Whatever they were, they were here and in ever increasing numbers. A Fore-runner strike was coming and they needed to clear this sector to avoid fighting a two front war. The day had started off well. Mycroft had taken his heaviest hitters, including a Gigus salvaged from a previous incursion and an Inferno stolen... ahem, Liberated from Toris security forces on Novum. Both were above his class rating but with serious training he had learned to pilot them without the deadly kick back from an out of control A.I. He believed in leading from the front so he took his forces straight into the center of the Heroes assembly area. His unexpected attack caught them by surprise and he handily dispatch a majority of their forces without losing a single mech. Only the super heavy assault forces of the Heroes were spared from his furious attacks mostly because he wasnt insane. The heavy formations were as high over him as he was over a new pilot with a gaggle of half upgraded Red Ants. Although he had scattered the enemy forces in the end he was forced to concede the position to the heavier forces as he couldnt hold the landing zone and provide assistance to his clan mates. And calls for back up were beginning to come over the comm channels. Maxx , call sign “Driller” was on the right flank of the Dragoons main thrust into the enemy. He was assigned to clear the heavy forested region that butted against the impassible mountain region that bordered their sector. He faced little resistance at first and racked up an impressive amount of enemy kills, but soon counter attacks began to take their toll as the heavy forest slowed his movements and prevented tight formations that could support each other. He managed to beat back more of the Heroes forces than managed to get past him, but those that got through his pickets scattered signal drones that left him chasing false signals that left him chasing ghosts for most of the day, but he held the forest and forced the majority of the Heroes to find another route to engage the rest of the Dragoons. Far ahead of the Dragoons “Nuts” Kelly scouted for any sign of the opposition. Running a Red Ant scout formation he was faster considerably than all the rest of the clan. His job as a scout was to find the enemy and he was very good at his job. He found them. He found them all. Problem was he was in a 10 ton scout formation and many clicks away from any back up. They tore his ants to shreds. A few reinforcements arrived to rescue his downed pilots but he was going to be suffering from dump shock, and a hang over most likely, for the next day. More bad new came rolling in from the left. Tom “Robo” was suffering from transit sickness. Whatever is was that allowed that slim percentage of the population to pilot the massive war machines also made them sometimes made them susceptible to debilitating nausea after crossing through a gateway. Although it was rare it would sometimes take a pilot out of commission. His entire sector was over run as it was left defenseless. Robos wing man “Silent” Chris ran into a wall when the unopposed Heroes forces front the left swept him aside easily. Roger “Incognito” deployed from reserve and managed to stem the flood of forces “running amok in the hinterlands” giving the scouts of the Heroes a solid beating and forcing them back out of friendly territory but it was too little too late. The damage had already been done. The one bright spot in the whole report was from the clan XO. “Blood Angel” had taken his wing man, the newest member of the clan, naturally the call sign given to him was “Rookie” even though he was an experienced pilot. You have to earn your name in the Regiment. The pair of them were sent on a recon in force mission. Set up in an experimental formation made entirely of Shocklites they set of to harass the enemy supply depots all the while arguing whether they should be classed as skirmishers, heavy scouts or armored cavalry. Taking a long circular route well away from the Heroes deployment zone they took up a position on the high ground to the west of the Heroes and dug in. When the Heroes began to return for resupply they hit them hard and unexpectedly. Even the heavy assault forces had no answer for the dug in formations holding the high ground. Attempts to dislodge them were beaten back again and again. The Heroes took so many losses there they began to refer to as Shocklite ridge. Rookie and Blood Angel used their position to launch strikes into the rear areas of the Heroes. As their losses mounted the gave the order to avoid Shocklite ridge at all costs. Assessing the results from the day Mycroft could see it was a close run thing but he could not claim victory. He would be forces to send a message to HQ stating sector not secure, enemy forces still in area. One thing was certain, the Heroes would know they had been in a fight. Today they were victorious, but there was always next time. He sent a congratulatory message to their commander and then began to read the new orders had just came in by courier. Time to plan the next mission.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:03:21 +0000

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