8/11/2014 ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः - TopicsExpress


8/11/2014 ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । FRIENDS, PLEASE BE YOUR FRIEND AND NOT YOUR ENEMY. Krishna has rightly said that you are your friend if you have won over yourself, and you are your enemy if you have not won over yourself Gita-6/6. Krishna has times and again said in Gita that you are your destiny. Vedas also preach on same line. Whatever you are today, is ditto in the way you casted your blue print in the past lives. Whatever credit or debit you are getting, is as you once arranged for yourself. Suppose you have to go on a tour for 15 days. Say your tour is to begin on 1st April, 2015. So what will you be doing? You will be arranging for vehicle or reserving your journey tickets well in advance, say by the end of December, 2014. You will be making reservation arrangements in the hotels. You will be minutely finalizing day to day programme well in advance, and accordingly making reservation for stay in hotels. You will be preparing money required for the tour. Arranging for the clothes, taking into consideration the climate condition of the destination. You anticipate various factors in advance and plan accordingly so that when actual tour takes place, you have not to undergo any difficulty. Resultant to your well planning generally your tour remains hitch free. During tour, at every stage you will have satisfaction that due to your painstaking efforts in planning the tour, you had not to undergo any difficulty. The hassle free and satisfactory completion of your tour is due to your advance planning only. Here during your present life you have not hassle free life. For that nobody is responsible for it but you yourself. You expected, against all available evidence that this world owes to arrange for your happiness. But world can give you what it has. World doesn’t have happiness, so how it can give you happiness? Relying on world, you remained inactive in planning your journey in this life. You didn’t make arrangement for your stay in home, for your vehicle, for your clothes, for your food, etc, and you had to face all these difficulties during your stay on this earth during this life. It is not that you take some clue from the past mistakes, and you took extra care for your next journey, no; not the least. You have repeated same mistakes in this life also. In fact you are repeating same mistakes every life and you are travelling in the circle since millions of years, without qualitatively and quantitatively making any progress towards your Liberty. Your today’s actions are your tomorrow’s destiny, as your today’s destiny is your yesterday’s actions. If you are invited to deliver a lecture on theory of Karma, you deliver far better discourses than many masters. It is not that you don’t know this simple fact. You indeed know everything. But when question of practicing into life comes, you are not inclined for it. This is happening since millions of years. You have undergone millions of lives. Vedas says: 84 lakhs yonis. When death comes, you realise all these mistakes. You become very unhappy and furious with you when the end time is there. You resolve not to repeat the mistake in the new life. But this resentment is for a while only. Again new life, again new subjects, again new temptations, again mouthwatering passion for lust and you forget everything. Again facing death and again same resentment and repenting. Have you ever spared time to enquire why this happens every time and you don’t take any improving actions for you? I think no Darshanik has ever dealt this subject in right perception, why this happens? Just to say that mind drifts you away into subjects will not be enough. There must be some concrete chemistry behind this ghostly inaction. We shall discuss it tomorrow. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:04:33 +0000

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