8 Critical Truths We Forget Very Often--Revealed! It’s a - TopicsExpress


8 Critical Truths We Forget Very Often--Revealed! It’s a dog-eat-dog world, where everyone is in a hurry to outdo others. In this mad scramble, the casualties often are the critical truths we have grown up with. Reminding oneself of such gems of thoughts once in a while can do a whole world of good to us. #1 Accept It, If You Can’t Change It: No point cribbing or wasting time worrying about issues over which you have no control. The best way forward is to learn to live with them. #2 No one Is Perfect: As they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. Everyone struggles in some way or other. Even those sitting pretty at the pinnacle of success today have gone through tough phases in their lives. #3 Past Is History, Future Is Mystery: Never regret about past and worry about future. After all, you can’t do anything about your past and worrying about future is a terrible misuse of your imagination. This time is a gift, and that’s why it’s called ‘present’! Live in the present and try to make it as beautiful as you can. #4 Attitude Decides Your Altitude: For some people glass is half full, for some glass is half empty and for others it is half fill with water and half fill with air. The way we react to situations defines us. Ultimately it all boils down to our attitude. Armed with the right attitude, you can take on any challenge life throws at you. Treat every challenge as an opportunity, rather than a threat. #5 Fear Is For Everyone: It’s a gospel truth that fear always exists, and it is for everyone. You are not the only one living with a sense of insecurity. #6 Never Take Failures To Heart: Failures and disappointments are inevitable parts of life. That which doesn’t kill you, can only make you strong. You get to learn so much from your failures. Not to repeat them is one big valuable lesson for the rest of your life. Better move on, rather than taking failures to heart. #7 Dream Big: Aim for the moon, and then only you will end up getting stars. Always dream big and figure out where you want to go. Hard work and self-belief would take you places and you would definitely realize your dreams. #8 Forgive: Learn to forgive not only others but yourself too. Don’t hold yourself back, it would only compound misery. Forget and forgive should be your mantra. It’s advisable to keep reminding yourselves of these critical truths. So start afresh, and live life as if you are running out of time.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:03:35 +0000

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