80 pounds. Between adoption stress and parenting a child damaged - TopicsExpress


80 pounds. Between adoption stress and parenting a child damaged by the Russian orphan culture and premenopause, thats how much Ive gained in the past 5 years. I went from being in the best shape of my life at 41 years old to being in the worst shape in my life at 46 in less time than it took the writers of LOST to thoroughly confuse us and make us regret investing so much of our time. I am tired. All.the.time. Exhausted. At any given moment, if I close my eyes I will fall asleep in under 3 minutes. Maybe 3 seconds. I cant drive more than about 20 minutes without feeling like I need to pull over and get caffeine. And my brain doesnt really work right. I dont have a train of thought: I have bumper cars. And they invariably end up stuck against the wall while I turn the wheel slowly in one direction without result. I cant even think my way through folding a load of laundry and putting it away. And everything hurts. And I get heartburn every single night. And my hair is falling out in clumps, and my skin is dry, and my fingernails are so brittle they break on every little thing and...I could write so much more, but the bottom line is...I dont feel good. In fact, I feel lousy. And I dont have time to feel lousy, because I have FIVE children. I have TWO children with Down syndrome. And ONE of those children is still healing from spending 5-1/2 years in a Russian orphanage. God forbid I keel over and die. What then? How do you feel? Because I read your status updates, and sometimes its such a familiar story. Exhaustion and brain fog and fatigue and pain and PMfreakingS. Thyroid and pre-diabetes. Poor body image. Stomach issues, allergies, mysterious symptoms. Lousy. Are you done? Because I am. Im done feeling lousy. I deserve more. My family deserves more. I dont want to feel like this a year from now. I dont want to be sitting at my computer desk as the end of 2015 approaches and face the sudden gut-punch realization that I am another year unhealthier. I have tried lots of weight loss “plans” in the past, and what Ive found backed up by science AND experience is that blood sugar is the key. When I was able to do that, I maintained a healthy weight and felt great! But I cant do it on my willpower alone anymore. Ive tried. Ive failed. But this isnt just about weight loss. Yes, I want to look better, and Im done carrying around all this extra weight. But I want to be HEALTHY. I want to do something good for my body. Ive tried willpower and failed. Ive researched different products and plans, but never found one that I felt was a good fit for me. And then my friend Kristen messaged me about Plexus, and it all made sense to me. I knew that controlling blood sugar was key to curbing cravings and maintaining healthy weight, as well as playing an integral role in many other health issues. And I knew that approximately 80% of our immune system is in our gut, and probiotics—really GOOD probiotics—are essential to keep our gut healthy, especially with the toxic typical Western diet. And I knew that the typical American diet is filled with toxins that poison our system. Kristen started sharing her story of gut healing with me...but I have to admit, I can be shallow, and what really appealed to me was how amazing she looked! And my friend Kari started posting pictures of her amazing transformation, and stories of taking back her health. And I started seeing other testimonies of lives changed—not just through weight loss, but through HEALTH. Yall, sweet friends, we are tired, and most of us are not giving our bodies our very best effort. Thats got to change. We are worth it. Those kids who depend on us to advocate for them and fight for them and show up at IEP meetings—theyre worth it. Lets do this thing, together. Come join me on this journey towards getting healthy. Those New Years resolutions are just around the corner. Lets nail em! But lets not wait—the holidays are HERE!!! Shouldnt we get started NOW? Shouldnt we go ahead and take action? I dont want my cravings to rule me at holiday festivities. And I dont want to spend another Christmas feeling detached and out of it because Im so exhausted and frazzled. We can do this! YOU can do this! Im right here with you, cheering you on. We start now, and come January 1, well be excited to make those New Years resolutions instead of dreading them. Are you in? PM me, and lets do this together!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:32:02 +0000

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