9/11/2001 I was watching television and saw the first plane hit - TopicsExpress


9/11/2001 I was watching television and saw the first plane hit and I ran across the hall to my mom’s rooms and screaming told her to turn to the channel I was watching because I thought it was a movie she turned and I went back and laid down on my bed and the second plane hit then I realized it was not a movie that it was real. My heart dropped and I began to worry about people in the buildings and on the ground then I began to worry about people I knew in New York then. So as I laid there watching this, we heard the sound of a plane flying low, thought maybe it had just taking off from Regan Airport since it was right across the river from our house like the Pentagon was. Then my room began shaking windows rattling my bed moved across the floor. I jumped up and screamed at my moma WHAT IS GOING ON? My mom screamed back they are coming after us too. I ran outside and as I was standing there you see the smoke from the Pentagon and it was rolling into the neighborhood and that looked scary it got dark and the air was fill with jet fuel. Then the phone rang, it was my daughter calling from Oxon Hill High School, I answered the phone and she was screaming and crying wanting to know what was going on they were watching it in class but she could not understand then the school went on lock down. I could hear children yelling and crying so I ask what is with all the noise she told that some of her friends had lost the parent, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins at the Pentagon and they were just finding out they were gone. My heart dropped again. The kids were trying to call their family members and they were getting no answer. So she told me she was on locked down and I of course was like screw locked down get to the nearest door and run meet you at the stop sign down the street from the school. I was too upset to drive so my neighbor she went and picked her up for me. Then you could hear fighter jets scrambling and flying low. For the rest of the day I tried to call a friend who was an MP at the Pentagon and for the next four days I did not hear from them. But I was watching TV and there they were pulling people out of the Pentagon. But now we did joke with my sister she called and wanted us to pick my nephew up from school just minutes from the Pentagon we were like why you over there she was in the military when she told us that her job was to stick with the Attorney General I got mad. They were going to a secret hiding place away from DC and I was like ooooooohhhhh no you tell him you are not going unless we all go. Just tell them to make room for your family. She explained she could not do that so she ended up not going. But we laughed about it later cause I was very serious about that. 9/11 We Will Never Forget
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:15:13 +0000

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