9 Keys for a Joyful (Stress-free) Holiday Season The Holiday - TopicsExpress


9 Keys for a Joyful (Stress-free) Holiday Season The Holiday season can either be pure joy or total stress. It is all up to you. Pure joy is brought about by gatherings. It is as if people (no matter how busy they are) find time to get together to celebrate. On the other hand, the holiday season demands a lot of patience. Places are crowded, prices seem higher. Rush hours are way terrible than usual. Despite the stress it may bring, you have more reasons to be joyful. Here are 9 keys to achieve that: 1) Decide to enjoy the moment This holiday season, there will be a lot of rush. The energies around you will surely be topsy-turvying. Decide that you shall enjoy. Decide that whatever it takes, you will make the best out of every moment shared with someone or just shared with your very self. Your mind is powerful, and if you chose to be happy whatever your situation is, you can attract positive thoughts and feelings as well. 2) Set your good and beautiful intentions “I will not go to the crowded stores and get drained.” “I am going to help some other people in need to experience the real essence of the season.” “I would love to spend more time with my friends and loved-ones, to take a pause and share joy and love.” Setting intentions open up your heart and mind to what your innermost longing. As you set each good intention, you are also inviting the whole universe to listen to you, to work with you in ways that are tender and wonderful. Despite the situation that you are into, it is easier for you to relax, live in the moment… when you set intentions. 3) Focus on the glass, half-full It is always best to focus on the positive. When stress levels soar, all you have to remind yourself of is to celebrate the little things that are happy and positive. Being optimistic even in the most challenging times will help you get through the stress that the holidays bring. It will also help you concentrate on productive activities and meaningful gatherings. Each moment, each new experience will illuminate you in a different way because you take them with a light heart. 4) Open your soul to love Be more loving. This holiday season is the perfect time to love yourself more. It is when you love yourself more that loving others become so easier. Love does wonders – it makes relationships stronger, it makes broken ones heal. Love is what the world needs. When you have love in you, you know deeply that the holiday season is more than just the materialism and consumerism there is. 5) Give more Are you always skeptical? Do you usually take every stranger with doubts and judgments? Give more chance to others. Give more chance to the world to prove to you the beauty and wonder that is there around us. Believe in magic by giving more openness and patience. Do your best to be kinder to yourself and to others. Give more time. Time is one of the best things you can ever share to others. 6) Enliven your surroundings Set the good vibes by sharing more color and harmony around you. Choose happy colors that go with the spirit of the season! Why not wear scarves, hats, and sweaters that complements your happy disposition. Red is the color of the season and you can also wear it in your other accessories. Pastels also give this milder yet calming and wonderful mood. You can also add decorations to your home. Craft poinsettia flowers made of paper, hang some angels on your tree, and hang the seasons’ colors in the form of curtains. You do not need to buy new stuff every year. With your creativity, you can do so many things that can enliven your surroundings. 7) Contribute to the beauty of humanity Go beyond the superficial ways to celebrate the season. Cultivate the beauty of humanity by sharing more this holiday. There is beauty in giving. When giving to others, you also become happier. It is the perfect time to recollect your human bonds and reach out to those in need. When helping and expressing compassion to others, you are also becoming more light-hearted and more open to life, to good things, to humanity. 8) Pray or meditate Let the peace from inside you breathe in and out. As you pray, meditate, or contemplate, you are also silencing the busy-ness. It is the best way to temporarily disconnect and just reflect on things and non-things that really matter. Pray for the important persons in your life, pray for others, pray for the whole world. The beauty of prayer lies in the quietness of the heart while wishing nothing else but goodness. Meditate. It makes you calmer and it clears your mind. It can aid in your intention-setting. 9) Celebrate your heart out What is more special than celebrating this holiday season? Celebrate beauty, kindness, and joy in the best way you can. Celebrate family, love, and community. This is the time of the year when you can truly express how others matter to you as well. Whether you like dancing all night or chilling out with others, it does not matter at all. Just have that freedom and celebrate.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:32:31 +0000

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