9 years ago, I began to sincerely ask God to help me to better - TopicsExpress


9 years ago, I began to sincerely ask God to help me to better understand my gay siblings. I was seeking understanding after recognizing the pain that my well-meaning words and actions were causing to those I love. Since that time God has FILLED my life with amazing LGBT people. God has moved on my heart in ways I never expected. If you are on this path, keep going! Unfortunately, not everyone around you will understand your path or your journey. You are not accountable to them. They may not know or be willing to see your heart and may question your direction and your faith. They may reject you outright. They may accuse you of apostasy and claim that you are an enemy to God. They may actively seek to turn others against you. Rumors may fly. It will hurt. All of these things have happened to me. I was angry and bitter because of it. No more. I am choosing to forgive others of the hurts they have inflicted on my heart. They are accountable to God. My heart is peaceful. I will press on and do what I know is right. I will continue on the path that God has put me on. I will continue to speak up and be an advocate. Be gentle with those who are judging you harshly. If we seek respect for our journey, we need to show respect for the journeys of others - especially when we disagree. Set clear boundaries and do not accept verbal abuse and personal attacks. Make it clear that this behavior is completely unacceptable. Set an example of respectful discourse. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Author Unknown To my LGBTQQI2 friends and family: Thank you for trusting me, teaching me, and loving me. I will never stop seeking to understand. I will always advocate for you and stand as your ally. My life is infinitely better because you are in it. The world is infinitely better because you are in it.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 07:50:11 +0000

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