94-1 WVICs 5 Things you need to know this morning The - TopicsExpress


94-1 WVICs 5 Things you need to know this morning The Pentagon is beefing up security at the U.S. Embassy and other diplomatic facilities in Baghdad. The move comes as Iraq tries to thwart the advance of Islamist militants. Thousands of Starbucks employees are now eligible for free college degrees. The coffee house chain and Arizona State University are announcing today that Starbucks workers can get a free online education if they qualify. Sunday marked the 100th day since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared with nearly 240 people on board. Malaysian authorities are promising to continue the search for a jetliner missing more than 100 days. The United States will get its World Cup journey underway today as it faces Ghana. Sunny and 86 today
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 10:48:37 +0000

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