95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim. Of The 22 - TopicsExpress


95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim. Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim.. This may sound like propaganda because it sounds so far fetched. It isn’t. Check your own world almanac… Radical Islam has spread a scourge of violence around the globe that otherwise simply wouldn’t exist. Muslim terrorism is a world wide conspiracy to make the world a Caliphate. There is no way they can coexist peacefully even among themselves. If someone isn’t brave enough to confront this issue head on, I fear a global war that will either eliminate or decimate Islam. It is a cancer upon the world. Muslims intend to destroy the West from within. Muslims lie and never integrate with anyone. Muslims want to dominate and install Sharia law and make Islam the dominate religion. Forget about political correctness or sensitivity or cultural understanding, stand up and be counted to join and take action now. It is time for the West to put an end to this horror. How long will we continue to allow these murderous bullies to set back the momentum of world? Unfortunately, the United States is run by evil men like Barry Soetoro (alias: BHO), Eric Holder and John Kerry who are not only champions for appeasement, but also support, arm, finance and encourage Islam. After looking at the list below, the typical leftist might say I see an awful lot of ‘& Christians’ in your list of conflicts. They’re probably to blame for your 90% of 95% of your listed conflicts anyway. Christianity is just as intolerant or more so as any poor third-world islam follower. Such a statement would be completely ridiculous. Unfortunately, blaming the victim has become especially in vogue in the west- typically when the victim does not fit into their predetermined “victimhood template” of being a minority- religious or otherwise. For example: - Israel is to blame…not the islamists in Iran or Turkey. - Women are to blame (in the middle east) for dressing provocatively. - Christian Copts are to blame in Darfur because they are disturbing the majority islamic populace with their very existence. Such is the upside-down world of the left. Little do they know, or *want* to open their eyes to the real threat of islam to the civilized world. When the islamists are done with the Jews, Christians, Hindu and Animists…they will come for the “enlightened” secular left. The first step just solving the problem is to destroy Iran as the world leader of Islamic violence. As long as Iran threatens the world with nuclear Islamic fundamentalism there is simply no way to quash the continuing outbreak of Islamic violence worldwide. The Western democracies should crush the atavistic and xenophobic leader of this retreat from civilization. If Iran is convincingly neutralized, it’s possible that the rest of the radical Islamic movements will realize that the way to accomplish their aspirations is through peaceful coexistence. Otherwise the monomaniacal dream of global Islamic domination will continue to destabilize the world until an apocalyptic result ensues. The latest catastrophic, meaningless Islamic bloodletting is occurring in Kyrgyzstan. The Russians want no part of it and won’t intervene. The Russians have learned that the hard way from both Afghanistan and Bosnia. MUSLIM CONFLICTS AROUND THE WORLD Current conflicts and wars: Source: http:/religioustolerance.org/curr_war.htm Some of the world’s current “hot spots” which have as their base a significant component of religious intolerance are listed below: Country and Main religious groups involved 1. Afghanistan Extreme radical Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist groups & non-Muslim Osama bin Laden heads a terrorist group called Al Quada (The Source) whose headquarters were in Afghanistan. 2. Bosnia Serbian Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholic, Muslims 3. Cote d’Ivoire Muslims, Indigenous, Christians 4. Cyprus Christians & Muslims 5. East Timor Christians & Muslims 6. Indonesia, province of Ambon Christians & Muslims 7. Kashmir Hindus and Muslims 8. Kosovo Serbian Orthodox Christians, Muslims 9. Kurdistan Christians, Muslims Assaults on Christians (Protestant, Chaldean Catholic & Assyrian Orthodox). Bombing campaign underway. 10. Macedonia Macedonian Orthodox Christians & Muslims 11. Middle East Jews, Muslims, &Christians 12. Nigeria Christians, Animists, & Muslims 13. Pakistan Suni & Shi’ite Muslims 14. Philippines Christians & Muslims 15. Russia, Chechnya Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims. The Russian army attacked the breakaway region. Muslims had allegedly blown up buildings in Moscow. Many atrocities have been alleged. 16. Serbia, province of Vojvodina Serbian Orthodox & Roman Catholics 17. Sri Lanka Buddhists & Hindus Tamils 19. Thailand: Pattani province: Buddists and Muslims 20. Bangladesh: Muslim-Hindu (Bengalis) and Buddists (Chakmas) 21. Tajikistan: intra-Islamic conflict
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 18:44:10 +0000

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