A BIT OF THIS DAY It was a day that I and a few friends felt - TopicsExpress


A BIT OF THIS DAY It was a day that I and a few friends felt completely drained (mentally) and everyone agreed that a good dinner at a Chinese restaurant was well deserved. We were barely seated at the restaurant when rounds of applause broke out at the table next to ours. Naturally, we all directed our gaze to that direction and beheld one of the most romantic gestures of this age…a guy was on his knees with a ring, saying ‘whatever’ to a lady(who was in tears) to the cheers and applauses of their friends. Affected by the scene before us, we also stood up and gave them another round of applause. The ‘senior ‘in our midst kept muttering ‘’where were we, during our own time. The ‘scene’ is getting more romantic in this age’’. I shook my head and wondered again at the ‘irony of life’. I mean, a supposed journey of life (between a man and a woman) was about to begin, while we were actually coming from mediating in one that was threatening to pack up, under our very watch because despite the persuasions, pleadings and preaching from us(concerned friends) ,the parties involved were bent on going their separate ways. Once the applause died down, I became absorbed in my thoughts. I thought(to myself) that if I were ever to advise the ‘love birds’ that just took the bold step, I will say ‘take a bit of this day with you, in your walk with each other’. How soon we forget what made us choose that person (we find ourselves with) above others that came into our lives for a similar purpose, how soon we forget the joyous moments that have now become a distant past, how soon we forget the promises of ‘to love and cherish (not hurt) always, how soon we forget…almost every good in him/her-in an unrestrained moment of bitterness. It is my belief that marital life will be a lot easier if ‘the married’ makes an effort to take a bit of the beautiful memories created on that joyous day (that they took that bold step) with them on daily basis. It’s only by taking a bit of that day (with you) that assumption is replaced with understanding, bitterness is replaced with forgiveness and poisonous utterances get replaced with soothing words. It is only by taking a bit of that day in your walk with each other that you will realize that misunderstandings (if controlled) should serve to strengthen a relationship and not tear it apart and thus-certain venomous demeanors should not be allowed to fester. Hatred is what perpetuates when bitterness (of the mind) is allowed to fester and soon, it becomes almost impossible to imagine the ‘subject’ of your hostile disposition in a positive light.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 05:11:26 +0000

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