"A CHAPTER OF MY LIFE" is 5:30 june 15 2013, in the morning your - TopicsExpress


"A CHAPTER OF MY LIFE" is 5:30 june 15 2013, in the morning your getting yourself and the girls ready , iam still asleep you wake me up with two kisses and i can feel that your kissing me from the bottom of your heart and it feels so right.. as i am laying down i am thinking to myself and telling myself i wish this day would never come wen u have to go back home if i can rewind time i will do it just to be with you right next to you and right next to the babiess who always put a smile on my face .. as we arrive to the greyhound station my heart sarts to pound faster than the usual is about an hour from your bus to depart... trying to get things strait.. your mad and all i can think of is if your going to be okay... the time has come... i walk you to the bus as i am walking you i try to buy some chipz for analyssa but i dont have enough i feel real terrible inside.. is time for you to get on the bus i give u a hug and a kiss when i hug u i dont want to let you go... eyes start to water and i tell you "i love you" so you tell me back... as your bus is leaving i start to cry and my chest feel like a whole inside that gets deeper.. i feel real cold not only because the person that i love and two little angel that i adore is leaving on that blue bus.. as i am watching your bus leave me and my dad start to walk away, as we are walking to catch the bus my dad sees my eyes and tells me "son evrything is going to be okay dont let it get to your head she will be back" so i tell him" dad the thing is that she got to my heart and now she has my heart and i start to think of you and tears start to shed popz went to wrk i am at the bus station eyes water just reminising of you.. so a blind man comes sits right next to me and asks me where are you going i tell him well i just left my girlfriend from th greyhound station and then i shed a tear the blind man tells me is okay too cry because when u cry for something you really love that something means the world ... i get on the bus and think to myself that man was blind! how did he know i shed tear ? on the way home i am just crying eyes watery evryone is looking at me but i can careless because me myself and i know why i am crying... i get home walk in my room it feels so empty so organized just the way you left it ... i feel so empty inside... when i go to work whos going to tell me to have a good day and sell phones and hug me and kiss me? the only ones that did that was u and analysa .... whos going to be waiting for me when i get home ? what i wanna let you know from the bottom of my heart and soul is that i really love you and your love cannot compare to anything... from the day i met i knew you were the one for me... eilene i love you my love muah! theres no one like you...
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:46:37 +0000

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