A Channeling from Archangel Raguel By Charles - TopicsExpress


A Channeling from Archangel Raguel By Charles Virtue Archangel Raguel, an angel that is not discussed as often as others, has come through with a very important and powerful message to help align us with the life that we KNOW we are meant to be living. “Dearest children of God, I come to you to share with you a message of the highest relevance. As your minds and thoughts rise above the patterns of everyday routine, and you allow yourself to dream of a new dawn and age – I remind you of some very important aspects of yourself that should help to serve you as the world collectively progresses to a new level of consciousness. You are meant to be happy; while this is said again and again, I need to remind you that your thoughts and the deepest aspects of you that takes inventory of your potential has to be aware of your true divine purpose. Being happy is one of the most sought after, yet misunderstood feelings on the planet. Being happy starts with first giving yourself permission. We often wait for ‘things to change’ but I am here to tell you that if you so choose, the change is here waiting for you to accept. And yes, it can be as simple as making a new choice. In fact that is what it takes. Regardless of what is showing up around you, you can change your circumstances by changing your mind; Choosing in this moment to love rather than be afraid to move forward, to have a positive outlook rather than worry, to embrace your gifts rather than focus on your shortcomings. It all begins with you. Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live a life that is expressing the love of who you are? When you allow love to express through you, you attract love all around you. This is the first step toward happiness. And it’s the step that leads you toward attracting loving relationships, experiences, and changes. What if you looked at everything happening in your life as an opportunity for God to express through you, to express as you? Then you would be able to see what is out of alignment, what needs to shift in order for love to be present, what needs to fully be released in order for grace and stability to take form. Every moment is a divine opportunity whether you are conscious of it or not. So in this moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and bring yourself to this present moment. Give your body permission to relax and let go. Bring your awareness to your heart and breathe white light into your heart center. Feel and visualize this white light surrounding your entire auric field. Bathe in this white light as it cleanses and centers you. Offer up gratitude as your heart opens and evokes the presence of the Divine. Allow your heart to connect with the energy of the Angelic Realm. Feel yourself connecting heart to heart with the angels. Feel the energy of the Archangels and the Angelic Realms filling you up fully and completely so that you are overflowing in healing and in light. From this place of wholeness and divinity, offer up your personal prayer. Speak to the angels and let us know what is in your heart, what is on your mind. Speak to us as if we we’re your best friends, don’t hold back. We know what is deepest in and on your heart. We can help you move from the place you are, to the place you want to be. We can help you release what doesn’t serve you and bring you to a place that will manifest your dreams and desires. We can help anchor you in a place of love and forgiveness that will bring forth balance and direction. You don’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to look perfect! You’re willingness to move forward is more than enough. So allow yourself to be exactly where you are. And from that place choose love, choose joy, choose positivity, choose patience, choose acceptance. Accept that this moment is the perfect teacher for you to grow, unfold, and expand into the divinity of your true, abundant, higher self.”
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 03:00:01 +0000

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