A Chip Off the Old Block A chip off the old block!, thats the - TopicsExpress


A Chip Off the Old Block A chip off the old block!, thats the thought that ran through my mind when baby George was presented to the media the other day!* Off the Henry VIII block, that is! Yes, that little chap looked like the spitting image of what I imagine an infant Henry VIII might have looked – and, not least, acted – like, meaning: stately, regal and INNATELY-but-NOT-superciliously self-important! * The only reason why I didnt weigh in at the time is that I COULDNT weigh in, because a bit earlier I had downloaded the newest version of ImgBurn (btw, the VERY BEST burning tool I have ever used, EVER — they get my A+++ rating, which is MY HIGHEST!!!) in order to burn a copy of the Macrium Reflect/ Windows PE (macrium/reflectfree.aspx) application that I would need for recovering the healthy but inaccessible HDD on my dead desktop PC, and, seeking to avoid the trickiness of CNETs own installer package (its getting harder and harder to install any freebees without inadvertently installing SOMETHING EXTRA), I chose to download from another site (FileHippo) where I expected to be able to download a fully standalone, exe application of ImgBurn, but, alas, although FileHippo only posed a simple yes/no query to installing AVG (I said NO!!!), when I installed ImgBurn, I INADVERTENTLY(?) installed a browser add-on, and though I managed to somewhat immediately go into Control Panel > Add or Remove Software and uninstall it [that is, I tried, but already at that point, my PC was becoming INCREASINGLY gummed up, so I stopped everything to do a quick antivirus check with Microsoft Security Essentials, which gave me a clean bill of health, so I ran a quick malware check using Spybot (not so very quick, but, on the other hand, if there IS nasty malware present, Spybot (GERMAN-MADE!) -W I L L- find it!), and already early on in Spybots check, it listed a VERY NASTY PUPSC malware thingy that was tampering with my registry key (I am CERTAIN that THIS is PRECISELY WHY my PC was gummed up — THAT NASTY PUP COCKSUCKER WAS INCESSANTLY REWRITING MY PCS OPERATING MILIEU!)]... I repeat, though I managed to somewhat immediately uninstall the browser add-on... and although I believed that the standalone version of ImgBurn that FileHippo had given me only presented me with a simple, easy-to-dodge, do-ya-wanna-add-on-extra-shit, yes/no question, in reality, FileHippo allowed SOMETHING EXTRA EXTRA (besides the browser addon), namely, the PUPSC MALWARE, to install itself on my computer, wherefore I have downloaded my LAST (FINAL, END-OF-STORY!) piece of software from FileHippo!!! In fact, at the time, I was trying to respond to something that two Newshour guests [to Pascale Harter (that is such a pretty name that one can only imagine it as a Hollywood creation!)] were saying about a flock of Pharisaical Muslims OSTENTATIOUSLY DISCREETLY praying, Islamic style, at Westham football stadium... FRIGGIN MIRACULOUSLY — amidst all that gummed up paralysis [where everything was happening with about a 60-second delay (that is an ETERNITY in the mouse-click or keyboard-input world!), and where pages – and cloud-written text – were also being mysteriously deleted, suggesting that the instructions from my mouse and keyboard were not only being delayed, but sometimes MISINTERPRETED!] — I managed to get that short piece of text copied, and saved, to MS Word, so I will later today be posting it in a separate article if not Tweet string, now that I have finally gotten my laptop completely ungummed and have gotten – with a little FRIGGIN MIRACULOUS help from Macrium Reflect! – my desktop PCs healthy HDD back up and running! ! There is something distinctly ENGLISH that is returning to the British monarchy, have you not noticed, dear reader, thanks to — TO WHOM ELSE?! — THE WOMEN of the Spencer and Middleton families!!! !!! !!! !!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:17:41 +0000

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