A Christian Band I like had this to say about the movie - TopicsExpress


A Christian Band I like had this to say about the movie Noah. Plumb: To answer some of your questions...I liked it. I think Christians do ourselves and our faith such an incredible injustice when we misrepresent completely who Jesus was by making mountains out of mole hills. Were simply called to represent love. Thats it. Not judgement. Not condemnation. Not insults. Love. It was entertaining. It was clean. It was incredibly creative and had a lot of artistic elements. In fact, the transformer looking rocks that are getting called down actually represented to me in scripture when he says even the rocks will cry out...and that if we dont praise him, they will. They were all that was left in the film, they and Noahs family, loyal to God...I thought it was interesting artistically. Its a movie peeps. A movie. The truth is still the truth. God does not need a defense. Nor does he NEED us. What a relief! He simply WANTS us. So lets all stop making fools of ourselves and defending a God who needs no defense. Just. Love. Thats all he asks. It was an entertaining movie as well as an interpretation. I say Bravo.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:53:00 +0000

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