A Critical Look of Liberia and the United State of America - TopicsExpress


A Critical Look of Liberia and the United State of America Relationship The Liberia and the United States of America relationship has come center stage in my mind. Since the inception of Liberia as a nation, governments after governments have carried themselves as a colony of the United States of America and even up to present. This is troubling. This United States of America which did not even recognized Liberia as a nation even though Liberians had established themselves as a nation with a government and a president. It was the nation of Great Britain/England who the United States of America gained her independence from, was the first nation to recognize Liberia as a nation. It is not the fault of the United State of America that Liberia keep choosing to be colony even after Liberia has gained her independence from the American Colonization Society. Let us get more current and look at recent situations involving the United States of America and Liberia. One morning the entire world, otherwise know as International Community sat supinely as the United States of America unilaterally took the decision to unseat a government that was legally elected by Liberians. The people President in person of His Excellency Charles MacArthur Ghankay Taylor were asked to relinquish power and find a place of exile by then the President of the United States of America in person of George Bush. In my opinionated question is how can one sovereign nation willfully get up, dictate, threaten and subsequently covertly support arm incursion into another sovereign nation? The people President in person of His Excellency Charles MacArthur Ghankay Taylor realizing the magnitude of destruction that awaits his nation and people simply bowed out. The thing most Liberians and the rest of the world otherwise know as the International Community did not know was that Liberia’s oil reserves were reaching and or had reach economic and marketable proportion. Let us not forget it was not only Liberia that the United States of America threatened. It was the term that George Bush used to demonized sovereign nations “Axis of Evil”, the nation of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. The nation of Iraq could not argue about their sovereignty because it was already compromise by the United States of America through the United Nations “No Fly Zone” which the United States of America maintained after Desert Storm One. It was under this “No Fly Zone” that United States used to launch Desert Storm Two. So there, after successfully demonizing the nation of Iraq it was subsequently invaded. The international media had a chance to interview an Iraqi child view on the invasion of her nation. The child’s response was that her interpretation of the invasion into her nation by the United State of America was nothing more than gaining control of her nation crude oil. The invasion of Iraq raged on but the world was not shocked neither were they awed. The nation of Iran is still waiting on the United States of America to make good on her threat and promises. In my opinionated statement, “it was the nation of Iran admitting that they were actively in the pursuits of nuclear capability likewise the nation of North Korea. Most interestingly the nation of North Korea has missiles that can reach the western coast of the United States of American. Even though Iraq and Iran shares common borders, those nations will find it very difficult to unionize as a force to come against the United Sates of America, because of their past. The nation of Iraq only threat to the International Community is the likely hood of Iraq increasing her crude oil price. That is the only single threat that the nation of Iraq possessed at the time. So what threat did Liberia pose to the International Community? Well the Liberia oil reserves which the United States of America believes is hers personal property and any sitting president of Liberia that will stand in the way of her having full access to property is a threat. The people’s president his Excellency Charles G.M. Taylor and his son left Liberia and were chase down and brought to kangaroo courts which subsequently found them guilty on little, made up, or no evidence at all. Now this is the issue I want to address. Charles Taylor junior was found guilty of crimes that he committed in Liberia by a court in the United States of America. The court in the United States of America sentence Charles Taylor Jr. to ninety nine years in prison and subsequently fine him several million dollars. It was in the 1980s that even Charles Taylor senior was involved in an embezzlement scandal with the Samuel K. Doe regime who came to power through a coupe d’ tat. The Samuel K. Doe regime of Liberia requested the United States of America to extradite Mr. Charles G.M. Taylor to Liberia to stand trial. The United States of America in her best of her wisdom decided to play god with the Liberia people’s lives. Mr. Charles G.M. Taylor was never extradited. Mr. Charles G.M. Taylor in his testimony while standing trial in the Netherland capital city, Hague, said that he never broke jail like the United States of America told the Liberia government or as it was widely believed. He said he was ushered into a waiting vehicle right outside the prison were he was imprisoned. More current we have the issue with Ellen Corkrum who served in the United States of America military. Ellen Corkrum claims to be a Liberian by birth. She has been indicted over the misappropriation and embezzlement of thirty to one hundred and fifty million of the Liberian people money that was earmarked for the renovation of the Robert International Airport runway. The Ellen Corkrum Embezzlement saga has come to my mind as I wonder what the United States of America will do with Ellen Corkrum. The entire nation budget is just around a meager (700,000,000) seven hundred million United States of America dollars. Ellen Corkrum and her friends decided how to swindle thirty to one hundred and fifty million from the people of Liberia. I mean this is someone who claims to love this nation call Liberia. It is against backdrop that I am asking the people of the United States of America to take whatever measures to bring the lady Ellen Corkrum to face justice.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:39:49 +0000

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