A DAY OF STRONG DELUSIONS BY AUTHOR EVANGELIST BILLY ADAMS PUBLISHED BY BACKFIRE ENTERPRISES As I begin writing this story I vividly recall those long days and dark nights when my siblings and I dreamed of a future day when we could sit down at a table that was loaded from one end to the other with good food. This true story took place in the mountains of Johnson County, Kentucky in the late 40’s, where the tall slithering pine seemed to pierce the deep blue sky. During most of the summer months we were kept inside by the actions of my wise ole mother to keep us from getting sunburned. Although sometimes she would let us go out long enough to get a good suntan. The Adams Family often dreamed of a place that they could call home, but since Dad’s philosophy was, “ You can hang your hat on the hook but never nail it too the wall!” Needless to say, that took a lot of nails and many long years of dreaming. Since the word ‘delusion’ simply means false belief, I can truly say that we lived our life on nothing but false expectations and unreachable goals. After moving to Greenup County, Kentucky in the 50’s we found it to be a lot easier to make friends out of neighbors. It was one of those neighbors that loaned my brother and I our first guitar. On August 8th 1965 I surrendered all to Jesus Christ, and soon thereafter a pastor by the name of Charles Ivey told me about the Rapture of the church and the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was then that I started searching the scriptures for myself, so that I would know the truth about this exciting event. The New Testament scriptures speak of the Rapture in First Thessalonians 4:13-19, and Second Thessalonians 2:1-17. Again in First Corinthians 15:51, where Paul says that it is a mystery and that it will happen in a moment and in a twinkling of an eye. Scientifically speaking, a twinkle is so quick that it cannot be measured. Don’t get this confused with the blink of an eye, for that word can be measured. Now I am going to ask a few simple questions that will give us all something to think about. In case the Rapture happens in the next moment and all the true Christians vanish in a moments time, surely there will be Christians in all walks of life. For instance if an unsaved person is standing beside a born-again child of God, which one do you think will be left behind? What power will be able to control the panic, and who will be able to control traffic when those Christian truck drivers disappear from their big rigs and leave them weaving in and out on the interstate? Imagine a huge plane overhead with a Christian pilot being snatched out of the cockpit in a moment and a twinkling of an eye, or a giant ship at sea with a Christian captain at the paddle wheel. Now I will let your imagination explore all of the possibilities of what could happen when the last trumpet sounds and the dead in Christ will be raised from the grave and taken up instantly. Dear Reader, Now that I have warned you, make sure that no one that you know is left behind, because of strong delusions that are filling our land today. -Author Evangelist Billy Adams
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:50:40 +0000

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