A DEAR FRIEND JUST WROTE THIS AND ITS BEAUTIFUL. Hes the head of a youth organisation and has helped me when I was in need emotionally since I was in primary school almost. Ken Morris your a great man and your efforts for the work youve done do not go unnoticed ♥️. People tell me I look like the bloke in the picture below, so if youre fat Tyson Rudge, screwed if I know what I am. Just a note for the margin from a sixty year old gay man, not to anyone specific, but to all the gym junky shirtless perfect body disco gays. Youre right Im jealous and you do all look amazing. Where the hell were you forty years ago..? Plus Im glad youre having fun. No really I mean that, and keep doing it. Youre only young once. (So rather than YOLO that would be YOYO.) Exercise is good for your health and mental state. Keep doing that too, I wish I had. But on the other side of all this, completely unrealistic expectations of our own and each others bodies, like calling someone who looks like Ty fat is, if you will excuse me, stupid toxic and dangerous. It leads to very tragic consequences in some instances. One day, dear gay community friends, as you get older, you will desperately need to be loved for something other than your perfectly toned body and flawless fake-tanned skin. The moisturising regime wont hold it back forever. I suggest you start practising some of those other things now. Maybe there should be a gym for growing kindness, respect and patience. Or a place where you can get spray-on love for those not as well off as ourselves. Getting older is beautiful. It has to be because the other alternative is compulsory death at thirty-five. And if you are getting older with the love of a partner, family or community or all three if youre lucky, who love you wrinkles, age-spots and all, and let you rant like this on Facebook, then trust me, its great.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:13:05 +0000

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