A DELICACY IN WHITE- I have been extremely under the weather - TopicsExpress


A DELICACY IN WHITE- I have been extremely under the weather lately, but I managed to cut and create this little beauty! In the last week or so, my family and I have spent time together enjoying and doing our own version of Mystery Science Fiction Theatre 3000 with my beloved series of Stargate SG-1. Comments, jokes and bravado over the characters in the series has run rampant and we have loved it all...but during some of this time I have also tangled on eggshell and come up with some interesting patterns. This one is just one of those I drew. I wasnt sure if this pattern would be that good, but the more I cut into this design, the more I was fascinated by the pattern but pleased also with the results. I added in my polymer clay topper on this egg...but did it all in white. The reasoning for this on this particular design is that the carve was so wonderful, I didnt want anything to detract from that element. So, the clay had to be white too. If I would have added color I believe the color would have taken away from the simple and intricate beauty of the carving done in this eggshell. There are times when a design just says to you, add but be careful not to go overboard...this was one of those. There was enough in the carving that I wanted to make sure it got most of the attention in the design. Aside from all this, the family and I are steadily feeling better and getting over this bug of whatever we caught. It is still taking time...and we are not fully there yet. But, on more of the brighter side of life, the boys had their concert last night and the seniors were each given a white rose...a nice tribute to Markie. Ryan was a surprise and was awarded a plaque for being the Exceptional Member of the Concert Choir at Standley Lake High and he lettered in Debate...so we will have to be getting him a lettermans jacket soon. The new carpet is in and now it is just a matter of putting everything back in place...warm weather for Sunday...so I would say it is all looking up, just as I hope your day will be. So, until next time...Many hugs to you all!
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 18:12:09 +0000

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