A Dark Place: We all have heard the saying: They are as different - TopicsExpress


A Dark Place: We all have heard the saying: They are as different as day and night, thus meaning that lightness and darkness are total opposites!!! Duh,lol!!! You can be in complete darkness and see the small light beaming from a little match a great distance away! We all have days that are just full of happiness and then we have those-what seem like-never ending days of discouragement, disappointment, sadness and even despair-our days or places of darkness in our life! I call them dark places because when it is completely dark, we see absolutely nothing! When we are going through the dark times in our lives, we focus totally and completely upon the problem or issue we are facing or dealing with and we become numb to the world around us! We become so lost in our situation trying to figure a way out of what seems impossible that we block out every ray of light by our own choosing! Satan makes sure that we don’t see even the smallest ray of sunshine shining through our dark places, because even the smallest light shines brightly in darkness and will illuminate the way out! No one is free of entering or going through dark places during their lifetime, but we can come out of those dark places by not losing hope and looking for the light! That light is always God leading the way! What seems like an impossible situation to us is possible for God to clear the obstacles to bring bright sunshiny days to our cloudy dreary lives! Satan wants us to feel like life has become unbearable, that our circumstances will never change or become better and he wants us to feel isolated and alone-thinking that no one truly understands or cares and we go farther and farther into darkness because we keep walking away from the light instead of walking towards the light! It is sometimes hard to comprehend that a light could be at the end of the tunnel of the surmountable problems you are encountering, but dark places are always places that somehow cover the light; but only temporarily if we keep moving! Darkness falls upon us every evening, but as long as time keeps moving-light always reappears! Our problem isn’t the dark places we must trod, the problem is how we react to the dark places while we trod! The more light, the less darkness appears; so the more we allow God’s light to shine into our life and upon our problems and most of all to shine His light upon our darkness of spirit, the less darkness will appear and the more light that will be shining brightly through the most terrifying, fearful and trying times of our lives! Someone asked me if they weren’t entitled to a bad day every now and then-to be quite honest, I did not use wisdom by saying, “Yes, I guess you are!” One bad day leads to more bad days because Satan’s plan is to cover your light with darkness and if you get the mindset that it is okay to have a bad day, then the day after will not be much better-if any-because you allow your days to become darker and darker by entitling yourself to a bad day because you don’t want to admit it but Satan has you in a dark place of self-pity! Self-pity is when you think about everything that is wrong and forget about everything that is right and you feel sorry for yourself neglecting God from covering you with His love! When you have someone’s arms wrapped around you-it doesn’t take the problems away, but it makes you feel better about your problems! When you allow God to wrap His arms around you through the comfort of His Word-it doesn’t always take the problems away, but it will always make you feel better about your problems! By pushing God away-it is only taking away light and making your life become darker and self-pity is a dark place without light! Do you think you are alone in this dark place you are surrounded by and you feel like you are gasping for air and there is no way out-that’s what Satan wants you to think-that nobody else is experiencing what you are and there is no end in sight and things will never be the same! By believing these lies, Satan will send you farther and farther into the darkness and you will see less and less light until you are in complete darkness if you don’t look up and see even the tiniest glimmer of hope/light! I am going to share just a few of the prayer requests that were spoken at Church tonight and honestly evaluate your situation and see if just maybe your situation/ dark place that you are having a hard time bearing has more light shining forth than you thought and stop letting Satan cover your days and nights with a tunnel of darkness and blocking you from seeing the light of God’s blessings clearly! 1.) A man who has needed surgery for almost two years and has to endure daily pain due to nothing more than neglect of insurance companies to approve the surgery that will make his pain tolerable and keeping him frustrated by trying to patiently wait and being denied again and again because of paperwork while working daily with the pain to provide for his family! 2.) A woman who has not one, but two, small children with cystic fibrosis and her husband is battling cancer! 3.) A man was dropped off at the Ambulance Service (where he worked) this morning by his wife! Shortly thereafter, he was called out-only to arrive (unknowingly) at the wreck of his wife and little daughter who were killed in a car accident! These are true stories from today that need prayer!!! These examples are all situations of darkness, but these people can choose to allow their lives to become darker or they can choose to allow the light of God to illuminate them out of the darkness in order that they don’t have to live in darkness-only walk through the darkness! If a small flicker from a match can light up a complete dark room-imagine what a flicker from God can do to light up a complete dark room of despair! Don’t imagine; allow God to light up your life-not with a flicker, but with a torch of His guiding light! The smallest spark will ignite God’s love-flaming bright into your darkness! So don’t allow Satan to blow out the light and leave you in darkness because the darkest hour is just before dawn (a new day/a new beginning) if you just allow the Son (Jesus) to shine rays of hope into your dark places!!!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:12:47 +0000

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