A (Dawn of a-) NEW DAY has Come.. (Is.58,8) A New Day has come - TopicsExpress


A (Dawn of a-) NEW DAY has Come.. (Is.58,8) A New Day has come for those who believe and those who havent. The Father causes the Rain on the good and the evil, isnt He good!! A new sense of His goodness comes on many - therefore repenting. And so youre eyes see Multitudes turn -back- to Abba, eat His fruits. This New Day will be different then any revival or short-term pleasure. A drop here or there, a time of temporary refreshing once a while.. This Movement of Holy Spirit is about the Father & a Family treasured, Because she constantly shows Love to Him & each other, million miles. Though miracles, healings, signs & wonders, Mighty Deeds do occurr. This last-day happening, shall be about a constant close community. They wont hang out in the past, get into fights, but have a Spirit-alert. Knowing all deep inside where space & boundaries are build in unity! Sharing all things in common, sharing meals, life, all things in simplicity. This will be the Key of the the Son of David, that keeps - doors - open. When found differences in opinion, view or likes, they handle in maturity. Hot discussions for the sake of self-rights or -defence; no longer loads! See there is a Bridal Army now under the horizon, being born in Zion. True worshippers of the Father, who know Him, have beheld His face.. Real passionate Lovers of People JUST AS JESUS, sons of a Kingdom. Their focus is on Him vertical & horizontal in His body, showing Grace. These folks turn into daily devotion & encouraging all men, as earlier. Being intentional about the Fathers business in one anothers journey. Frustrations & isolations are replaced with Fiery Love in a Morning Star. That -again- has started to shine with a Bright New Day, Hope of Glory! The goodness of Father God and also being good then to each other. Will be a major Sign & a Wonder of the Living God, dwelling in a Family. That has made His home in living temples that shine forth Dads Glory. Many get to know Jesus because He is truly good(!!) yes many will see! In the song you can hear the Lord speak, impart great courage to us. Comforting us, reminding everyone that Hes part of the game were in. Situations may be hard, though Rejoicing Comes, yield to His Cross.. Youll learn to rise Above in godly Authority, you learn it from this King!! ........................................................, (Lately Ive been overwhelmed this season in the S/spirit and in the natural of His goodness, good reports that are so praiseworthy, and His lovingkindness and supernatural peace in great times and less nice situations. Though the Sound of Victory came forth so clear in this year upto so far. I learned where my focus is, there my heart shall be. I can turn on the Switch, and choose today life or death, blessing or curse. sowing seeds of virtuous love, comfort, showing grace or support in whatever way as possible - or just leave that upto angels or push that choice to another day or person -to pursuit that-. Though Ive observed the Father takes joy in the fact we react on His Spirit, the fruit of our spirit, that is inviting and stirring us to follow through to share Him in word and especially deeds of mercy & truth. Growing in Agape comes the most forward in beauty - when being put to the test or squeezing moments of life. Thats also reason why we are called to get matured in His love. What I allow to proceed from my lips or impress my heart or mind shall not just me but also directly affect the other beside me, closeby or at a (far) distance! In the process of life, transformation has come with another way of thinking or viewing life and people, out of an optimistic view of my heavenly Father - that wants to do GOOD all the time - to all people!! That is so amazing, and I wished the body its eye would be filled with this light or insight - some day - so very soon...It would not only help and support so many among us but also warm up and embrace the poor and needy person outside the household of faith. Lets leave traditional thinking and acting behind & truly gain a fresh perspective on where Holy Spirit is upto - where He is living (omnipresent..), moving and having His being in the open..., and lets see if we can recognize His heart and hands reaching out in the Public, to touch the lonely or seeking - cold hearts, of those that are very hungry and thirsty -deep down inside- for His incredible love, that sweet aroma or fragrance of Christs life shared.. Lets move outside the box and get new, other sounds or messages through songs like above presented to us, and let Holy Spirit just speak!!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:23:36 +0000

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