A Day Late but not a Dollar Short.... Mr. Obama, I would - TopicsExpress


A Day Late but not a Dollar Short.... Mr. Obama, I would say president if I even for a second thought you were worthy of the title you hold. You have lied, told half-truths, connived the people, bailed out big business and continue to tax the poor more and more. You work for a few and are hurting the many who voted for you. Your Spying regime makes what Richard Nixon did with Watergate to be a joke. That’s just what you’ve done to the people of the United States of America, you should be impeached. It gets worse though, you use airports of our allies to send arms to African and Middle Eastern countries that are already in turmoil without us adding fuel to the fire. You bomb people all over the globe without fair warning or the United States being currently at war with that nation. You’ve killed Children, and Innocents. Now you’re using that same technology here on our soil to watch and attack American Citizens! You sir are nothing more than a War Criminal masquerading as an elected official. Your Actions and Policies are reprehensible. When it comes to the lying these things are minor but they start the ball rolling down hill, start to shed light on the type of character you truly have and are. “I’ll make our government Open and Transparent”, there is no more transparency in Washington today as there was before you got elected sir. It is easy for and educated individual to see that with the way big business and government shadows run the media that if anything during your administration the view of our government and what’s going on in Washington D.C. has actually become more clouded and obscured. “And as President I am going to make it IMPOSSIBLE, for congressmen or Lobbyist to slip pork barrel projects or corporate welfare when no one’s looking”, so instead you in front of everyone give corporate welfare to banks, and car companies to bail them out of their bad moves in a “Capitalist” society because they are too big to fail. “When there’s a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you the public will have 5 days to look online, and see what’s in it before I sign it”, where is this website sir? Why do bills keep getting passed by you and the average American has never heard or seen anything of them? “When there are meetings between lobbyist and a government agency, we’ll put as many of those meetings as possible online for every American to watch” where sir where?!!? I and many others I know would like to see these. These are but a few of the “Promises” he made to us the people and never followed through on. At the bottom of the Editorial is a link to a video with 65 of Obama’s most egregious lies so you can hear him say it yourself. You bailed out Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG, and GM. These are but a few, and best known of, the corporate welfare items you pushed. In a capitalist economy I was taught and under the impression that when corporations of this size failed they were left to go bankrupt and try their best to save THEMSELVES. They are too big to fail some say, I disagree but that is for another time. You bailed these fat cats and companies out while at the same time telling everyone at the poverty line who can’t afford health insurance that if they don’t get some they will be fined and taxed more? “Let’s make a way to tax and punish the people if they don’t want to participate in our policies”, SAID NO FOUNDING FATHER EVER! Edward Snowden, his only mistake was letting out his identity. He is a hero, just like Mark Felt (aka Deep Throat from the Watergate Scandal). When our government, any part, gets out of line and starts robbing us of our privacy, our ability to speak our minds freely, we no longer live in a free country. At no point without warrant should my phone calls, emails, texts ever be sitting on some agencies computer for them to build a case before they ever get a warrant issued! Yours shouldn’t be either. Claims by the administration that they have stopped X amount of terrorist attacks are just that. CLAIMS. They will not back it up with any kind of [proof and if needed could generate whatever story they want and if given to the media the Sheeple of America will buy it, remember 9/11? Richard Nixon wiretapped and taped conversations in two rooms. This led to impeachment proceedings, people losing their jobs in government, and a president RESIGNING in DISGRACE. Obama, you wiretap the entire nation; this includes congress members, CEO’s and the poor kid down the street with his “Obama Phone”, sold to the people as protection for them. At this point I shall quote Benjamin Franklin, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” If you truly still believe that the “terrorist” are abroad and we are “winning” the war on terror, I say to you the terrorists won. How you say? Well read the NDAA, Patriots Act 1 and 2. Look at the TSA and DHS, with that and government spying they have stolen many of our freedoms, by causing our fear to run the government. You Sir are a WAR CRIMINAL. If a leader of any other nation or ethnic group were to go around dropping bombs on people of different social-political ideologies we call them a tyrant, a terrorist, a war criminal. To send arms to peoples in nations where civil unrest or upheaval is currently happening only furthers the unrest. You and your regime have continued the destabilization of the Middle East that Bush and his cronies started. You have killed children and blown up schools. Your drone bombing program is mindboggling. I can barely articulate the anger that you have created in me by turning our once righteous nation into a terrorist one. Just because we feel or can lie to ourselves that we are just, does not make it so! Do you or anyone in your regime take even a moment to think about how we look from someone outside of our countries perspective? How you are creating the next generation of combatants? The damage we are leaving in Pakistan and Afghanistan right now makes what Russia did to them in the 80’s look like child’s play. You cause our allies to break their own foreign policies by using their airports as jump pads and refueling stations as you send arms across the globe. See the video from Irish Law Maker, Clare Daly, calling him out on that and other items (link at bottom). If foreign policy makers can see this why can’t we? What’s more is now we have drones flying over the USA. Drones over our soil, our people, watching us, THREATENING us! To claim that they are just there to observe terrorist is a joke. Last time I checked Patriot Acts, and the NDAA allows for the President and his “designates” (who are unknown and not defined for public scrutiny) can label someone as a terrorist. Once a person is labeled as such you have the right to define indefinitely without due process or jurist prudence. Or just drop a drone on them. You Sir are a horrible leader, liar, and Human being in general. So sad am I for how you duped us all, myself included. Good day. Lies youtube/watch?v=kg9m1F8B2_c Clare Daly youtube/watch?v=GF5PChW5WDY Living Under Drones livingunderdrones.org/report/
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 14:37:55 +0000

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