A Dinosaur Love Story (The beginning of a true love story) by: - TopicsExpress


A Dinosaur Love Story (The beginning of a true love story) by: Rozelyn EPILOGUE There was once a beautiful enchantress trapped inside a cursed barriers shielded fence. The fence is low but she can’t pass. Everyday, a dinosaur is circling around the fence, it was the same dinosaur everyday, figuring out the enchanting majestic charmed aura of the lady. The dinosaur is captivated by the enchantress’ beauty. Everyday the dinosaur will visit the lady’s chamber, allured and mesmerized with the majestic beauty of the lady. One day the dinosaur leaped over the fence, the enchantress got her chance, and shift her soul to a dinosaur. “soul-shift!” In return for the dinosaur’s shifted soul, the lady will wear a golden metallic bracelet and since the dinosaur’s hand is small, the enchanted enchantress make the bracelet huge to carry it, the bracelet is enigmatic, ponderous and unusual. The enchantress got her freedom in a male dinosaurs body. The dinosaur hunt for food and chase the cheetahs. While eating, “these cheetahs are not enough for my appetite, and I needed to trade this golden metallic bracelet on my waist for magic” The dinosaur continue his journey to find the majestic merchant, he traveled miles, grasslands and stops on lakes for waters to drink, and bathe on falls. (singing) “Raradadada, (splash! splash!) I have long tails, but my skin is dry, I miss my old skin, how’s my old soul carrier my fleshy, delicate, and white glowing skin, and my bow, I miss killing birds. The dinosaur-spell caster, look at his reflection on the water, “Am I still beautiful, I have different eyes, I have different curves, my teeth is scary, sharp, my skin is scaly, although I had fulfilled my dreams of chasing cheetahs, I no longer have my old skin, my old me” The dinosaur cried “Will I be happy, if I stay like this, I am an enchantress, I am a spell caster, but I look like a dinosaur, but I am a dinosaur, will I sacrifice my beauty for freedom, will I shift my soul back to my old skin, will I shift my soul to other beings, but I, who will love a dinosaur?, I look vicious, I look scary, so this is how the dinosaur felt when he was himself, it’s lonely, to look like this, though I am big, and they are scared, and how will the real dinosaur felt, he’s a he, in a lady’s body, I think he is confused just like I am, now I will find the majestic merchant to destroy the cursed barrier shielded fence that do not allow ladies to pass. The dinosaur searched for the merchant and he had found an abandoned house, with withered garden, scattered vines crawling up to the abandoned house. Excuse me “wrewr” Excuse me “wrewr” “Who interrupts?!” said the merchant. “Majestic merchant, I need a dispelling course, or anything you can offer, to destroy a cursed barrier’s fence” “Enchanted beauty is forbidden to escape the cursed barrier’s fence, only a man with true heart can enter a cursed fence: Sudden realization strike the dinosaur. (So, the real dinosaur is not going to do harm on me) teary eyes . (Why should I think so much about my dreams of chasing cheetahs, and bathing on falls) “How is my old soul carrier” “Let us see” the merchant see a crystal ball. “Your friend is sad, dinosaur” “Okay, thank you for your help merchant, here is a huge bracelet, I am carrying that on my waist for a long time, only to find, that I am wrong to shift my soul and to be unpleased for what I am given, that barrier is for me, I am jailed to find the man, with the heart of gold who will truly love me and I had escaped cause I thought I am going to be ingested by a vicious, scary, scaly dinosaur” “Beauty pleases the eyes, but pure heart pleases the feelings you feel inside, go on and find, true love is hard to find” The dinosaur traveled back. The cheetahs are gone. The dinosaur looked at his back. “You vicious, wild looking animal, you had killed my pack, we are going to punish you” said the leader of the cheetahs. The dinosaur is chased by cheetahs, leap, leap, jump, “ouch”, run, leap, jump, run, run “wrewr!.” The pack of cheetahs drew back, the dinosaur is scared. (Better run, before they realized they are far too many, I can be killed if I stay longer, pack of wild cheetahs attack in packs, and they have a lot of groups). The dinosaur reached the spot where the dinosaurs soul is trapped. “I’m sorry dinosaur for having our souls shift” “I am pleased, lady, I want to be jailed with you, and I know you are sad that’s why I leaped over the barriers shielded fence, I want to become your friend” “Dinosaur, what is your name?” “I am Alchazar” “Alchazar, it’s hard to become a dinosaur, though I am big, I look scary, I am not happy, because, this is not who I am, I am an enchantress” The dinosaur leap over the cursed barrier’s shielded fence. “Alchazar, I will give your body back, I had learned that to fulfill my dreams is not enough, I am an enchantress, I am a spellcaster, and I am jailed to meet my soul partner, and I am visited by you, you leaped over to rescue, but I had shift my soul to you, because I thought, you are scary, you are vicious, you are going to do harm on me.” “You had judged me, wrongly” “That is why I am here to shift our souls back to where it belonged” “Soul-shift!” “Dinosaur (hugging the dinosaurs nose) thank you, I had the most wonderful time, strolling the wild, chasing cheetahs and this is what I had find, you, the heart of gold, thank you dinosaur” The dinosaur’s body changed, and turned into a prince. Surprise and happiness filled the lady’s eyes. “Lady, thank you, for loving a dinosaur, I will stay with you inside this wall, because your love for me will live forevermore” “Lady, your heart lived, thank you for this gift of happiness” The shield opened, the barrier disappeared, love lived. -END-
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:43:49 +0000

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