A FREE BALLOT – A FREE COUNTRY Our forefathers fought for - TopicsExpress


A FREE BALLOT – A FREE COUNTRY Our forefathers fought for the freedoms embodied in the constitution of the United States. What makes the constitution work? The ballot – key to all present and future freedom is the answer. Our freedom has endured through perilous times: a Civil War, two World Wars and two bloody conflicts. American history eulogizes its brave sons who have made the supreme sacrifice to keep the ballot strong and everlasting. Whether the vote is yea or nay, freedom is having its say. The 200 million Americans, not the House, the Senate, or the President are the government. What they will, the President and Congress do! Education advancement on both the high school and university level has helped buy a very critical attitude towards our government and the use of the ballot. Our government is not perfect, but yet, what it represents are the wishes of the policy makers – the voters. Perhaps our voters have been misguided at times. Maybe they should follow the path of other states. Let us see how our voters might look in other states in comparison to our own. They look first to Russia. Here are people working and playing – citizens. There are others voting. Upon investigation of the ballots in Russia, it is determined that there really is not a choice on the list. The vote is for one list of names or none at all. Is this a free ballot? No! The citizens don’t have the key to their constitution as the United States citizens do. It is decided that this would not be the place for them. They travel to France. Upon investigation they discover much dissatisfaction among the citizens. Many are out of work. Many don’t wish to work. Questioning the citizens they discovered those who don’t care about voting because, they say it does no good to do so. The ballot is ineffective in expressing their wishes, so they leave. Next they travel to India. Here they see millions in poverty. Without food! Without work! Questioning, the citizens say the government is powerless to help them. Worse yet, the people are powerless to change the Government because the ballot is not free. They decide this is not the place for them. Red China and the Republic of South Africa are next on their list. In either of these countries, they find segregation because of color of skin and religion. They see that the minority cannot be heard because – there is no (free) ballot for them. Our voters began realizing their search may never end. Trying to find the country that can satisfy their dissatisfaction may not be possible. In all their travels they were unable to find a freer country than the United States of America. Some countries they found came very close to the United States in the use of the ballet. But no country could match the magnitude with which the ballot and its force are used in the United States. They agree that the United States is a freest county on the map. That it can provide its citizens with an ever expanding freedom through the use of the ballot. And, they understand that only in the United States can a minority be heard through the ballot. Their final conclusion was – A free Ballet, A free Country! Freedom of mind! Freedoms Foundation At Valley Forge By Robert A Mossing, Sergeant USAF June 7, 1968
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 21:32:10 +0000

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