A GOD INSPIRED LETTER FROM MR. PAUL ONUCHE TO NIGERIAN PASTORS... ESPECIALLY TO PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME... When Williams Shakespear says; the evil that men do live after them,he was not just right but correct! When Saint (Ph.D law) Paul told the people of Romans 6:23a that the wages of sin is death,he was speaking the mind of heaven.And when #JESUS_CHRIST was telling us through the book of Revelation 22:18b-19 which John the beloved wrote; He said ...If anyone adds to these things,#GOD will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19.And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy,#GOD shall take away his part from the book of life,from the holy city and from the things which are written in this book. On this note of introduction above,I wish pastor Chris Oyakhilome is reading my post.He is a good man who is being misled by fashion and luxurious life.I have listen to numerous of his preaching-very few,he was led by the Holy Spirit and most by materialism.When I listened to him talk,I wonder whether he is an island of the gospe.Yet,I still see the anointing of #GOD in him.After all,when #GOD rejected King Saul,His anointing still followed Saul (1 Samuel 15...31).Pastor have gone very contrary to Gods will and desire...He had in different occasions misinterprete the mind of #GOD thereby,invoking the wrath of the Holy Spirit upon himself.And #JESUS told us that,the sin against the Holy Spirit is so hard to forgive.It is in the Holy Spirit that everlasting peace and joy abides in our heart and family.As a preacher of the gospel,when the Holy Spirit is lacking the peace of the family disappear.And this is what Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is passing through. My honest advice to you sir is to refer you to Romans 10:13.If only you can call on Gods name again,you shall be saved.Because Saint (Ph.D. Law) Paul told us in Romans 3:10 that,there is none righteous,no not one. In verse 23,he told us that; For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. And it is true! That is why,God told us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that; If my people,which are called by my name,shall humble themselves,and pray,and seek my face,and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,and will forgive their sir,and will heal their land.If only he can realize himself and pray to God,God will look down on him with mercy. What Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is facing today,is far from you who claimed to be a preacher of the gospel.Many church leaders have thrown the constitutional guidelines to salvation and replaced it with man made materialistic constitution to suit their finances.The Bible (Word of God) is supposed to lead humanity.But it is obvious that,in this satanic age of evil manipulation,humanity is now leading the Bible.I wonder how on earth you can lead you Creator! Until the philosophy which preaches holiness instead of holiganism,righteousness instead of covetousness,spiritualism instead of materialism,salvation instead of savaging congregational wealth is properly and Godly established in the church,more of Pastor Chris crisis will soon emerge in different churches.Infact,it is pertinent to note that,Nigeria is in the state of chaos because,her churches have deviate from the true teachings and virtue of the church.If corruption is utterly condemned,many souls that are crying for justice would not have died such a painful dead.In Nigeria,corruption is celebrated in every street corners.Corrupt politicians are given the best seat in the church.One irritating aspect of this is that,they are even honoured with the microphone to preach.In the church,all manners of abominable act is commited.Those who offer what is to be pleasing and acceptable sacrifice to God...Turn the other way round to offer sacrifice to idols and even worship it. It is quite unfortunate that,those who are supposed to sing like Miriam and all the daughters of Zion,rising their voice in praise of the glory of God to all nations hear,are the one sleeping around with babylonian men of profane perfume.This same girls will sing to the Lord with a defiled and stained and contaminated voice to God.Not only that...Today,political thugs,armed robbers,cheaters,etc are now members of the from seat of the church.Why would not you see Gods anger? Let us all beg for Gods mercy...For we have sinned against Him! Let those who have eyes let the read and know what #GOD is saying through Onuche....
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:08:41 +0000

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