A HELPING HAND ‘Today when you hear His voice, don’t harden - TopicsExpress


A HELPING HAND ‘Today when you hear His voice, don’t harden your hearts...’ Hebrews 3:7 NLT Have you ever watched somebody trying to help an injured animal? In its pain, the animal doesn’t realise the person is attempting to rescue them and often strikes out at the hands offering help. Sometimes when we’re in pain, our reactions to God and others around us are not so different. Two things can keep us backed into a corner, hurting, yet reluctant to reach out or receive a helping hand: 1) Trust. Sometimes things hurt so much that you stop trusting everybody, including God. You stop reading the Bible, avoid those who want to help and you refuse to let anybody pray for you. Yet God’s word says that when we trust in Him we will be saved. When we call we will be rescued and ‘...not disappointed’ (Psalm 22:4–5 NCV). 2) Pride. It’s not so easy to ask for help when you have an image to maintain or if you believe that others will think less of you if you turn to them for support. Pride can be dangerous. It can keep us from receiving help for days – or even years, putting our spiritual lives at risk because we ‘will not turn back to the Lord ... or look to Him for help in this’ Hosea 7:10 NCV. Don’t harden your heart or strike out at others when they offer help. What now? If trust or pride is holding you back, send a text now to arrange to talk to a friend who can support you in it. Go on. Before you forget.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 10:16:42 +0000

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