A Home At Last story: Jessie is an Anglo-Arab. Hes a Palomino, - TopicsExpress


A Home At Last story: Jessie is an Anglo-Arab. Hes a Palomino, with elegant dapples, around 16 hands, and way into his 30s. He came here having been surrendered for euthanasia. That was 6 or 7 years ago. He was pretty obviously not ready to go. Hes got some arthritis. Dont we all? His top line has moved South and his face shows the features of a senior horse. He loves life. He still will canter and toss his head and paw the ground to encourage the delivery of his feed. Along with many of our senior residents, he gets a bucket of sack feed to help along his nutrition. His teeth are pretty much worn out. Jessie is in with Rio. They are the critters that Laura has taken to be hers. Laura has faced a really serious health issue and is recovering from lung surgery. Her first out was to come and see her horses. She spent time with em and groomed and communed with em. They were happy to see her and she them. Laura plans on riding at the rescue makeover and being there as a volunteer. Her forward lean towards recovery and a return to an active and busy life is carried along by her love of her critters. Thats a task Jessie is glad serve. Weve had two other Anglo-Arabs. I asked Dr. Darling about the breed, since it seemed to me theyre a Thoroughbred/Arabian cross and the Anglo part is a way to save a few letters when texting or something. He said, yep, thats about right, but, of course, this breed is by now into enough generations to be more than just a cross. They have talents for eventing, dressage, sport-horse activities, jumping and like that. The representatives of their breed that weve had have been intelligent, sound, and easy to get along with. Theres some size to em and they have been easy keepers. I think the Arabian durability and hardiness shows through. Some of the Thoroughbred issues seem to have been answered with the increased Arabian qualities. Good feet and bone are sure part of that. So good old Jessie has shedded out, is dappled and shiny and full of life. Euthanasia surely has its place for these creatures when the quality of life is gone and needless suffering is all thats ahead for em. You have to let em tell you when that time is at hand. Jessie is very sure that for him thats still out in the future sometime. Were glad for that. Hes a great old horse. Jim
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:08:19 +0000

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