A LESSON FROM GRANDMA: THE HARVEST Pt. 1 ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Sometime in April 1987, I had this conversation with my late paternal grandma. Me & my siblings where sent to spend the Easter holiday in my village, and our return to the village greeted the planting season. On a certain farming day, grandma took us all to the farm to assist her in the farm to plant the cassava and other crops, and also to take back firewood from the farm. It was an awesome experience I will never forget. As we were returning from the farm, I walked in close pace to grandma carrying a bundle of bounded firewood on my head. Here is our conversation. “Mma, I hope we’ll harvest those cassavas before we return to Enugu?” “Hahahaha. No my son” “Huh????Then, when?” “The harvest comes when the crops are ready to be harvested. I don’t know when that will happen, but I will constantly be taking care of it, visit the farm and supervise its development. It is until the crops are mature, then we will then harvest them” “So, mama you don’t know the very day you will harvest them?” “Yes.. But I will decide best to my discretion when I think is most suitable for the harvest. As of now I can guess when it will likely be ready, but it is never fixed. It depends on the harvest not on the harvester. I will keep watch on the farm to make sure I don’t come late for the harvest, lest I lose some to rodents or other agents.” My dear, in Matthew 24:36. Jesus said: ”But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” The Harvest of the earth, in rapture depends on Christians and not even on any other factor, and it will strike the Master’s discretion to order His angels for the action (Matthew 24:31). A man in California was taken in a trance late April last year, he saw the HARVESTERS sitting on the clouds with the sickle in their arms, and their commander on a chariot with a long trumpet in his hand… all they were waiting was the ORDER: HARVEST! But to the Master’s discretion, Christians are not ready yet. In the trance the man was told by Jesus, that The Harvest is ready to be observed but the elect are not ready. He warned that it is now a dilemma to wait longer. That it is risky for the Father to wait longer for the elect to be ready.. Matthew 24:22. He warns that, His coming will henceforth not be delayed lest the elects all fall away. He said—“It is the expectation of a husbandman to harvest his field in one big harvest… but if all the crops are not ready yet, he will be pressured to wait a bit…but same time, he stands to lose those crops that ripened earlier. Those crops that ripened early might spoil due to being over riped, they might fall of the plant and perish, and they might be eating by predators before the coming of the Master…WHAT A DILEMMA? For the sake of these ones, the HARVEST WILL NO LONGER BE DELAYED.” Matthew 24:21-22. My brother, the harvest is the determining factor. In Matthew 24, Jesus enumerated signs that will show that the harvest is ready, and all He said has all being fulfilled including Matthew 24:14. The gospel has entered all the nations of the world, a major breakthrough brought about by the ICT proliferation. Are you ready? The Harvesters are ready, the harvest is Ripe.. Ask yourself this again. SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH FRIENDS….MARANATHA!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 07:32:18 +0000

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