A Loaf of Bread There once was a little grain of wheat that grew - TopicsExpress


A Loaf of Bread There once was a little grain of wheat that grew on a stalk in the middle of a field on the side of a hill. One day the farmer harvested the field. Some of the grains fell to the ground. Some of the stalks were knocked down and their grains became food for the birds. Some slipped through the cracks in the wagon and were lost. But, the little grain found himself in a wagon surrounded by millions of other grains of wheat. The grains of wheat were taken to a place where they were cleaned. All the chaff, dirt and tares were removed. The grains were then loaded into a container and taken to another place. They were dumped onto a conveyor and began to move toward a big shiny object. Again, some of the grains fell to the ground and were trampled or lost. The remaining grains were unsure of what was happening as they moved forward. The little grain could hear a sound that he knew would change him forever. He dropped into the shiny object and was transformed. No longer was the little grain a hard, brown insignificant little thing. He had been transformed! He had become white and soft and pure. He was mixed with other grains who had gone into the machine and come out like him. Now, he was a part of something bigger. Now, it was not he, now it was not the little grain, now, it was we, now, it was the flour. The flour was taken and mixed with some water. It was the best feeling in the world. The water caused the flour to bind together. The flour became one inseparable mass. The mass was placed into an environment where it was extremely hot and dark. It was rough but because of the water the mass was able to hold out and survive. In a while the mass was removed from the hot environment. It looked at itself; it was now a brand new creation, something entirely different from what it had been. It was no longer a bunch of grains. It was no longer a pile of flour. It was no longer a wet lump. Now, it was a loaf of bread. It could not be separated back into flour or grains. It was a loaf! Millions of grains had come together. They were cleaned and transformed. They were bound together and became strong in the fire. They had become one; never again to be anything but a loaf of bread! Jesus said of the bread; "This is my body" Get it? We are to be one; inseparable, bound together, the body, the bread, the Church!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:08:14 +0000

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