A MAN THREATENS TO ABANDON HIS FIANCE IF ANY PERSON OTHER THAN #Igwe_De_MC WILL ANCHOR THEIR WEDDING EVENT!! This may sound ridiculous and incredible,but very real. Sometime in April this year,I anchored a marriage program which crowned the celebration of the conjugal bliss between one Dr.Gabriel and Pharm.Linda both from this State.This event seemed to be the most historic and monumental ocassion I have ever anchored with respect to the high-ranking, calibres of people in attendance. Always to the greatest glory of God almighty,(the excellent God of the orators),I was not found lacking in handling the Microphone as the EMCEE of the stupendous ocassion.My bag of commendations,thumb-ups and tenderly showers of praises was heavily brimful.My pockets were no exceptions to this as high denominations of wads of naira notes struggled to gain access into my pockets. I generously spread my COMCARDS (complimentary cards) as if they were MTN recharge cards.Like so many individuals seeking political relevance and recognition,I was so elated to have exchanged contact with one Honourable member of a State House of Assembly. As days rolled into weeks,weeks into months,I got calls from many people,known and unknown to me.We kept exchanging pleasantries as best of friends until one man recently informed me of anchoring his Wedding program in this September.But his potential wife strongly opposed his decision of inviting me as the EMCEE. Simply because,my charge is exhorbitant she said.She insisted that she has alternative arrangement for another EMCEE at a much cheaper price. Forgeting the clichè that Good soup na money make am. This disparity reached a crescendo such that no one wished to give up for the other.Now,the man fiercely threatens to find his way if not allowed to provide the EMCEE for their ocassion. To this end,I hereby humbly ask you all,my friends and well-wishers,WHO SHOULD PROVIDE AN EMCEE FOR SUCH A MARRIAGE EVENT as a matter of necessity?? THE HUSBAND/WIFE??
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:24:12 +0000

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