A MESSAGE I RECIEVED FROM BROTHER @Abz Zamani.... IT CONCERNS EACH AND EVERY MUSLIM PERSON TO ATTEND THE PROTEST...! Thank you for your efforts and support to make Australia know the truth behind the slaughtering of Palestinians in Gaza… Just remember one important thing.... if you want this to succeed, you have to make sure that this has nothing to with Islam but purely a humanity issue... The reason why Israel is so successful in the West is that they don’t use Jewish (which is religious) slogans.. they use things that are common and part of the Western society such as Massacre, Illegal immigrants, Occupation, DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, Holocaust etc... basically things they can relate to... For example, as we all know, Israel is bombing mosques… We can protest in Australia about our mosques being blown up “STOP DESTROYING OUR MOSQUES’’ Or we can use such slogans as “Israel destroys freedom of worship” … which one do you think will have a better effect on Australians? Which one will they relate to more? People do not know what is a mosque, and if they do, most likely they would think as they heard on the media a place where Muslims do crazy Yoga and build bombs…. where in the other term “Freedom of Worship” is more understood and people can relate to.. even if they are atheist, they believe it is the freedom of worship that allows them not to worship at all… if they see our brothers and sisters carrying Islamic black flags and shouting Allhu Akbar, you just scare people off who don’t know Islam properly, and you turn it into a religious struggle which many Westerners and Australians hate.... I mean they do not even like Christians preachers, so let alone Islamic! Islam has been vilified for many years through out the media and movies. Well, we can only blame ourselves for not putting any effort to own news media or make our own movie to show how Muslims and Arabs suffer under Zionists occupations. So let us not be stubborn and repeat the same failed methods of the past. Shouting Allahu Akbar, raising black or Alqaeda flags just confuses other by standers… The whole point of a protest or a rally is to show the public a problem that has not been covered by the media or solved by the government…. So please brothers and sisters, the only flags we are raising are Palestinian & Australian, pictures of Gaza strikes on condensed populated areas, dead women and children, destructed homes and most importantly “ Boycott Apartheid Israel” so the public can know what to do if they are convinced that killing innocent people is wrong, regardless of the religion or race …. These are the things Australians can relate to and support.... any jihadi shouting and screaming trying to be a hero will only make people hate palestine more and confirm that we are a bunch of loud jihadi barbaric uncivilized people trying to enforce our “extremist” abusive Sharia law in their beautiful democratic country exactly how the media portrait us… things take time… step by step…. when you speak with someone from a different race or religion you start with common things first and then slowly you build arguments based on them…. Islam is about using your head before you speak or take actions… being loud and unorganized was never an Islamic method… You always need to put your self in someone’s shoe if you want them to fully understand you….. choose your slogans wisely and remind your brothers and sisters before the rally… After all, there is no point of only having muslims shouting allahu akbar supporting Gaza when we already do... what we are trying to do is gather non-muslims to support and pressure governments against Israel... just remind the young ones and know that Islam taught us to be very strategic with our struggles and know where we live and how do people around us perceive things … Due to our many years of laziness and doing nothing, we have a longer way to go… People have been brain-washed by the media for many years that Palestine is a terrorist organization and Israel is an amazing pearl of democracy and freedom … Do you think screaming Allhu Akbar and raising Alqaeda flags will help? Raise only Australian and Palestinian flags … About the whole screaming Allahu Akbar …Australians do not understand it, it just scares them, you are causing more harm than good… Plus you do not need to scream for Allah to hear you.. there is a place and time for everything…. If you do not use your words wisely, you are fool and not a good muslim as you would assume you are… it is all about the end result … You don’t want our rally to back fire and make us look bad and worse than what the media shows us already ... presentation is very important... make sure religion is not in this rally what so ever... use only COMMON slogans that the normal Australian public can relate to… and it will be basically Humanity - illegal occupation & settlement - genocide - massacre - bombs - air strikes - women and children - destruction - Israel using human shields - children abuse … Saying “Jews are sons of pigs and monkeys and we will Jihad them out of our land” will NOT WORK, I REPEAT, WILL NOT WORK!! Especially when we Muslims have nothing against Jewish people, they are the people of the book just like Christians, plus there are hundreds of thousands of Jews that are against Israel…. It is Israel and Zionism that we have a problem with NOT JEWS!!! Please do not forget that!! We don’t want to give them any excuse to use the Anti-Semitic card on us … be SMART & STRATEGIC … Salam Alikom brothers and sisters and inshallah all these efforts would be saved for you as good deeds with Allah - Abz Zamani
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:38:22 +0000

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