¤¤ A MESSAGE TO ALL FACEBOOK FEMALES ON MY PLATFORM ¤¤ You met her on facebook, you said you love her and all those fairytale bullshit, you knew how ancient she is with relationships on social media sites and how emotional and traumatised she can get, for her to agree dating you the moment you said it made you feel like you can cage and control her however and whenever you want.. She loves you and believed in you, you gave your word and shown her for the short time she could remember, that you are the real thing, but now.. You are ignoring her and chasing her away but she is chasing after you the more you chase her away. You requested for her password and email, she gave them to you with trust of love, she is blind to reality because you have brainwashed her with your nonsense call love but in real sense, it is obsession.. Before she met you, she has being on facebook, and you have no right over her life, you have no rights to invade her privacy of social networking with her friends, be it male or female. Why will you block all her male friends who tries to have a normal chat with her? Why will you visit her inbox on daily basis to see who see chats with or who wrote his number down for her? If you say you love her as you claim, then you gotta let her live her life in freedom and not slavery.. You make her cry daily, she is going crazy, for you have being ignoring her for weeks, making her feel worthless to you,.. She is scared of you leaving her and you are taking that to an advantage, making her suffer emotionally.. You are just a name she met on facebook, a name she fell for, hoping it is reality, a name she trusted and a name she cries all day for.. Alot of guys are looking for such a lady who will be true to them and care for them, just as celestina is doing.. The saying that the faithful ones are always with the wrong ones is absolutely true. Celestina hasnt seen you but she is so so deeply inlove with you and all you could is make her feel worthless.. She is damn beautiful and so pretty, why go through all the hustle to win her heart and make her feel cheap and slaved up ?? So, if it were to be that she met you and sheepishly agreed to marry you, is that how you gonna turn her life to hell? To make it harder, she cant break away from you cos she is totally in a fairytale LOVE with you.. sMH LADIES, NO MATTER HOW INLOVE YOU CAN BE WITH A DUDE ON FACEBOOK, NEVER YOU GO DOWN SO CHEAP AND KEEP YOUR SELF WORTH HIGH. DONT SHARE PASSWORD WITH HIM FOR WHATEVER REASON IT MIGHT BE, THAT IS YOUR PRIVACY AND NON OF HIS BUSINESS, ALOT OF DUDES FALL IN- OBSESSION AND NOT LOVE, THEY FALL FOR BEAUTY AND AFFRAID THAT THE NEXT DUDE ON HER LIST MIGHT WANT HER. BE CAREFUL WITH DUDES ON FACEBOOK, EVEN ME MYSELF AS WELL, BE SCARED OF US ALL AND TRADE WITH CAUTION, DONT FALL A VICTIM FOR SOME SOCIAL NETWORK KANGAROO LOVE . #BE_WISE ° #smiles ° ≈CC®™©2014
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:38:47 +0000

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