A MODEST PROPOSAL TO THE ANONYMOUS COLLECTIVE IN REGARDS TO THE MILLION MASK MARCH ON THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER, 2013. Greetings, Anonymous collective. My name is “REDACETDAnon”. That is to say, that is the moniker I have chosen for myself as a new member of the collective. What follows is a proposal in regards to the “Million Mask March”, scheduled to take place on the 5th of November, 2013, at various places around the globe. In particular, this proposal is specifically for those that will be at the demonstration in Washington. As I understand it, the purpose of the march, as stated in this video (youtube/watch?v=_ZKEXK4ueFY), is to march on Washington, and demand the removal of the current administration, for the purpose of a re-election and the installment of a new governing body. I am all for this. I support it totally. However, I have a prediction as to what will actually happen: The protest will happen, people will show up. The media will have a presence, filming and interviewing. And the people in power will sit in their chairs, smoking their cigars and sipping whisky, laughing as we waste our time and energy, or even ignore us entirely in their arrogance. Nothing will change, and we will all go home. In order for this mission to be successful, it is therefore necessary for us to FORCE them to take us more seriously (I DO NOT SPEAK OF ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE!). I believe it is therefore necessary for us, the people of this nation, in whom the power rightfully resides and flows from, to march. Not just on Washington. Not just to the general area, then mill about with signs and megaphones. This is an admirable and peaceful way to send our message, but it has already been done many times, and failed. The people are being ignored! I believe the time has come to take more dire action. To that end, I therefore propose that we march on Washington, yes. I further propose that we march to the Whitehouse, yes. And further, I propose that we march THROUGH the gates, onto the Whitehouse lawn, and into the Whitehouse itself (not at all unlike the ending of “V For Vendetta”), and occupy it until our demands, those of the people in whom the power of government rightly resides and flows from, clearly stated in the same manner as the above video, are met. Undoubtedly, this would require a very LARGE number of people. And undoubtedly, the law enforcement would bar our path. But if, IF, there truly were a MILLION of us there, I highly doubt the local law enforcement would be able to stop such a large number of people simultaneously marching briskly forward (again, think of the ending of “V For Vendetta”). If this could be done successfully, one of two things would happen: #1: We successfully occupy the Whitehouse and present our demands to the corrupt government. After that, I cannot honestly say I know what would happen. #2: We march forward into the line of law enforcement personnel, and they attack us. Either with crowd control methods such as teargas, beanbag shotgun rounds, riot shields, etc. In which case we suffer through it and push on.Alternatively, they use lethal means to stop us, and open fire with live ammunition. This would be a tragedy, and many would be wounded and likely even more killed. Personally, I do not believe that the local law enforcement, themselves citizens of this country, would go that far, but I do acknowledge it is a possibility. So, with that being a possibility, what then, must we do? I propose that we accept the risk! Freedom is dangerous, and requires responsibility. But dangerous freedom is preferable to peaceful tyranny! I say that we accept the responsibility, and do what MUST be done, for the good of our nation, and for the sake of our future! Ask yourself honestly: “What will “THEY” do if we simply show up, shout a few words, and leave the next day, or even the next week? Will “THEY” concede to our demands? OR will “THEY” ignores us and laugh as they sip whisky and smoke cigars from their seats of corrupt power?” Time and again we have seen that this is not enough! We The People MUST stand up and take ACTION! If we do not, nothing will change! We MUST do this, or we will fail. We MUST stand united. We MUST come in great numbers, and we MUST act! If we do not, we will accomplish nothing.Yes, there is potentially great risk. But now you must ask yourself how far you are willing to go. Will you risk your life for your freedom, as the colonists did in the revolutionary war in which our great nation was born? If you are not willing to die for your freedoms, than you ARE ready to be a slave in life! The corrupt people in power do NOT care how much you protest, how much you rant and rave and pull your hair out! They will hear you and yell back “Let them eat cake!” They are corrupt, and will ignore you, or worse, destroy you, if you do not obey. I served my country honorably as a United States Marine for 4 years of active duty, and volunteered another two and a half in the reserves, before being honorably discharged. Upon signing up, I, like every other service member in the United States Armed Forces, swore an oath: I, “NAME”, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." My contract with the United States Marine Corps is ended. I have no further obligations to the same. But I did not see an expiration date in that oath. And seeing what was becoming of my rights and freedoms, I wanted to do something. To that end, I have joined my local militia, a peaceful organization that stands for the constitution and exists to support the local community (no racists, terrorists, neo Nazis, or anything of the kind in this one). But they are content to hold training exercises, sit around camp fires, and practice shooting their guns. This was not enough for me. So, I became a precinct delegate during the 2012 elections, and personally have seen how the institution controls the election results at the lowest levels of our political system (this was a particularly disheartening experience). I saw then, at NUMEROUS town hall meetings, how the institution preserves the “status quo”, abusing Robert’s Rules of Order to quickly shut down ANY dissenting voice. This will not work either, because the corrupt powers have infiltrated so far down the “pyramid”. Then, I learned about Anonymous, and thought to myself, “Perhaps this movement, which had such humble (and somewhat ridiculous, in a funny way) beginnings, which has grown SO rapidly and ACTUALLY implemented change (I speak of Egypt), might be a way to actually accomplish something”. I learned about this scheduled “Million Mask March”. I purchased a mask on e-bay, and made myself a member of the collective. Now I am making this proposal, because I truly believe that something MUST be done, and MUST be done soon! We MUST arrive in massive, overwhelming numbers! We MUST march to the Whitehouse! And We MUST occupy it, accepting the risk to our life and limb! If we do not take dire action, IF we simply peacefully stand around and protest, we will be ignored. Those in power will stay there, and grow ever more powerful, until the only options left to us are peaceful enslavement, or violent, bloody revolution. PLEASE, people of America, DO NOT let it get to that point! Before we take up arms, we MUST attempt every other peaceful option! Protesting, while admirable, is NOT enough! Yes, we will be risking our lives, but by God, unless we do, NOTHING will change! If nothing else, take solace in the fact that if they DO attack us, they will only further inflame the American people. Think back to your history lessons: The war for independence started when the red coats massacred unarmed citizens in Boston, and was the spark that ignited a bonfire. Ask yourself: “Do they really dare to light that spark?” And even if they do, will they have enough manpower, enough bullets, to stop a MILLION people? Unless you are prepared to risk your life for your rights, your freedoms, and your liberties, you will accomplish very little, if anything. It all means NOTHING unless you are ready, as I am, to lay down your life for what you believe in. If you do not, it will ALL be taken from you. Here I end my proposal, and hope for the best. -REDACTEDAnon Go to the top of the page Quote Report REDACTEDAnon Noob "REDACTEDAnon" started this thread Posts: 2 Date of registration: Aug 14th 2013 Send private message 2 Sunday, August 18th 2013, 8:12pm If you see as I see, if you feel as I feel, then PLEASE, copy this message and paste it, send it, spread it everywhere! If you do not, well, we are Anonymous. You must do what you think is right, and do not what you think is wrong...
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 07:06:39 +0000

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