“A Mason is obliged by his Tenure to observe the moral Law as a - TopicsExpress


“A Mason is obliged by his Tenure to observe the moral Law as a true NOACHIDA; and if he rightly understands the Craft, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine, nor act against Conscience. ... They are generally charged to adhere to that Religion in which all Men agree ... for they all agree in the three great Articles of Noah, enough to preserve the Cement of the Lodge...” These yiddish storytellers and their Noahide helpers are attempting to mystify and terrorize you into their Noahide security-state ghetto, or eruv, as they call it.Clearly theyre attempting to conjure a Noahide dispensation by staging calamities with Noahs ark symbolism interspersed. A so-called Dzokhar Tsarnaev has now been apprehended in a Watertown after emerging from a boat. We recall that Rabbi Shaul Praver, who claims to have been hanging out with the CIA on the day of the Newtown event, said that because of all this (staged) violence (rather than real Zionist violence) we have to change everything and that we are on the other side of the rainbow.Moreover, we know of the Judeomasonic establishments charade with regard to the non-Judaic population of the Caucasus and stans of their ancient hatred. We documented that the wily fellow who plays Borat, a boorish character identified as being from Kazakhstan, is in fact the son a of a Bnai Brith president in the U.K., a fact very much absent from the biographies. The Joe-sixpacks who laugh along with Borats bigotry dont realize that the joke is on them. Borats Khazakh phrases are actually Yiddish.The irony of a Hebrew-speaking anti-semite is not lost on [Borats] admiring Israeli audience, which has made the movie a huge hit in the country. It is extremely funny and kind of cool to realise that you are understanding something no one else does, said Gaby Goldman, 33, of Tel Aviv. Its not just the Hebrew but also the way he speaks. He sounds almost Israeli, he sounds like one of us. (Secret of Borats fluent Kazakh - its Hebrew, Wednesday 20 December 2006 Guardian UK) The location of the Boston event is one of the most masonry-rotten areas in the U.S. The Hiram lore that porch masons learn and surface-level researchers buy is not the real deal. Hiram is a stand-in for the original Noah as the central figure of masonry which seems to have been a bit too obvious. There are Quatuor Coronati research lodge documents establishing this fact. ... the earliest story of a raising in a Masonic context, apparently a fragment of the Hiramic legend, but the old gentleman in the grave was Father Noah, not Hiram Abif. (Henry Carr, Past Master Quatuor Coronati Lodge)
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:39:28 +0000

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