A : My father is a teacher, so I know exactly what he does - TopicsExpress


A : My father is a teacher, so I know exactly what he does everyday. B : What is it? A : Teachers work fewer hours per week than people in other profession. B : How is it going? I think it’s not true. The ‘Super Busy’ people in the world is a police, I think. A : Police? He just sit down in his office. Let me tell you about my father’s daily activities as a busy teacher. B : OK. I’ll be the best listener. A : He skipped breakfast. He had a cup of coffee at home and was in his classroom by 6:45 morning, you know.. B : Maybe your father has breakfast in school’s canteen, so he skipped his breakfast at home. A : No ! It’s all because of his busy job. Twenty minutes later students began to wander in. Some chatted with my father about everything that happened the night before ; other made a beeline for him to get help with last night’s homework. B : Are there any activities like that ? A : Of course ! B : After that, what did your father do? A : After twelve hours later, my father would pack his bags to head home and three hours grading practice research citations, a set of essays and a geography quiz and preparing for the next classes. B : Oh, I see. Now I realize that teacher is ‘The Super Busy’ people in the world. C : But they’re not the norm, right? A : My father says that work days like that are standard for him and his colleagues, which has a longer school day and a different model that most traditional public schools. C : Yeah, I know. National data shows that on average teachers work fewer hours per week than people in other profession nearly 3 hours a week less. B : How could it happen? And How do you know? C : I got the information yesterday, by browsing the internet. B : Really? C : Yeah, the analysis is based on interviews from 2003-2006 conducted as part of the Indonesian Time Use Survey. D : Exactly right. You can watch TV if you want the more information. C : Yes, at the news channel. B : I’ve never watch the news channel. It’s boring. A : Yeah, me too. Altough we can wider our knowledge by watching news, but I don’t like it. There are many disadvantages of watching TV like we will get stressed on our sight. B : I think one of the most important disadvantages of watching TV is wasting time since some people spend long hours watching TV programmes. D : I like watcing TV, but I don’t spend much time in front of it. C : Yes. I spend one or two hours daily, when I have time and feel bored or I want to see interesting things what happen around the world. B : We have different preferences and different opinion about watching TV ya? D : Sure. There is one thing that you have to know. B : What is it? D : There are also many advantages of watching TV. Information, Entertainment, Life Style, Hobby, The Hottest News, and so on.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 04:56:47 +0000

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