A NEW FILM FROM GERALD DIPEGO OPENS SOON Words and Pictures Dear Al, I’ve written a screenplay that is now a film about to be released. This is the best working experience I’ve ever had and the best work I’ve ever done. “Words & Pictures” stars Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche as teachers in a prep school who are 1. Trying to inspire their students (Him in Eng. Her in art). 2. In a very challenging time in their lives 3. Attracted to each other. 4. Heartbreak and humor follow. FOR MY FRIENDS IN THE SANTA YNEZ VALLEY: I will screen this film as a ‘Valley Premier’ before its opening, showing it at the High School Theater on Saturday night, May 17 at 7pm. Please come so we can share this film. I will do a Q & A after the showing. This is a benefit for the Artist Advocacy Foundation: $5.00 at the door. No tickets sold ahead of time. The theater holds 250, but come early just in case, doors will open about 6:40. FOR MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY AROUND THE COUNTRY: The film will be released in NY, LA and SF on May 23rd. It will go wide to the rest of the country on June 6th (D-Day!) Please see it, and I so hope you enjoy it. We have played to enthusiastic audiences at film festivals from Toronto to Palm Springs, Dubai to Dallas. Great to share this with you. Best regards, Jerry ---------------------- Dear FB Friends, Please support my good friend in his latest endeavor, Words and Pictures. Gerald Jerry DiPego among his many talents has been a Hollywood screenwriter for some time now, some of his credits include: Forgotten (2004); Instinct (1999); Message in the Bottle (1999); Sharkys Machine and most notable Phenomenon (2004). During the years when the Santa Ynez Dinner Group was going strong, Jerry was a founding member and allow me the privilege of showcasing him and his films on several occasions. Fun times! Please come out on May 17 to meet Jerry and to see another remarkable project of his! I hope to see you there! UPS Al
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 07:10:25 +0000

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