A NOTE FROM GRS TO KWARA POLITICIANS AND KWARANS IN GENERAL. IN THIS NOTE, GRS URGES US TO STOP PLAYING POLITICS OF DECEIT AND BLACKMAIL. SHE ASSERTS THAT HONESTY, A WILLING HEART TO SERVE THE PEOPLE AND FAIR PLAY SHOULD BE OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES. HOPE EVERYONE OF US WILL LEARN FROM THIS. Politics could be competitive but the competition is in the contest of ideas that could birth a better people and a working government. That’s why to me, politics isnt merely a sprint but indeed a marathon to install a society that can be good to all and at all time. That’s the whole essence of democracy and that is why leadership isnt or shouldnt be about opportunity but about SERVICE. But when politics veers off the path of contest of ideas to acts of slandering and blackmails, it sends a foreboding message of desperation, and nobody renders true service to the people through political desperation. Political blackmail isnt a path of honour; rather it’s an admission of inferiority of true intention to make a change. Political blackmail is only employed by cowards who are lacking in superior ideas of building a virile state. They are like bullies and to stop them, we must step up to them and look them in the face. When we don’t, we would be losing the battle to wipe the tears, pain and burden off the faces of our hard working people. We may be sacrificing our tomorrow if politics of ideas is allowed to give way for politics of blackmail. I am speaking from experience. Admittedly, I am very secure in myself as I KNOW myself, know and OWN my values and ideals. I use no other persons but MY OWN standard of Godly values to judge myself. I own high moral values that I am proud of and as are my family. But just because I DARED to show an interest in the plight of people, because I DARED to advocate the chance to make a difference and seek the opportunity to solve these issues as best as I can and in the interest of the collective us I not only got lies, vicious lies told against my person, I was called all sorts of unprintable names - some that you and I see once in a while on my page. I was even subjected to having a photoshopped photograph of my head on a naked persons body. Imagine. That was a particularly sad day for me, especially since it was discovered online by my own daughter. They even dug out a photograph of me - wearing sunglasses and laughing in a car on a family holiday many, many years ago, and tried to make out there was something immoral about wearing sunglasses. COME ON!!! We might laugh at that and roll our eyes at the pettiness, but we must not overlook the dark side to such actions - the dark side being the effect of this on some impressionable young lady who wants to contribute. But this solves nothing. I have, through the years, being from a political family, developed the ability to stay focused, to shut out the noise and keeping the blinkers on, concentrate on the task(s) ahead. But not everyone can do that. This is what is deterring some of my fellow sisters, some well meaning women who could possibly make a huge difference to and within our society, for the collective growth of us all from coming out to participate and contribute. And we need to have us women INVOLVED because WE ARE PART OF SOCIETY. I have not seen or heard of such viciousness on women appointees; it is as if it is okay for women to be given appointments, but elective is unacceptable - that is when all sorts of reasoning start to creep in to justify the prejudice (because that is what it is - prejudice and discrimination) - Its against our religion, a woman cant break kola, etc. All I am asking us to do is to accord the same level playing field when it comes to showing our disagreement to a person. Cheap and vicious blackmail is not becoming of any society - we must remember God in all we do - we certainly call His name often enough - are we merely paying lip service? The responsibility is on us all to change this by insisting on political contest of ideas rather than mere stories of blackmail. The prosperity of the Kwara of our dream should be built on honesty of service and a true contest of ideas. That’s my dream.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:27:43 +0000

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